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  • #5226
    jeff bird

    The continuing professional development (CPD) of PHM practitioners is a key objective of the Society. Important aspects of this objective have been actioned in PHM conference planning including tutorials, panels and now in the PHM Short Course planned for October 2014.

    The continuing professional development (CPD) of PHM practitioners is a key objective of the Society. Important aspects of this objective have been actioned in PHM conference planning including tutorials, panels and now in the PHM Short Course planned for October 2014.

    To integrate with existing CPD activities the Society plans to offer Continuing Education Units for the PHM Short Course. While full compliance with the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) would require us to become accredited, the CEU is “in the public domain, use is voluntary and no permission or approval is required and any organization can offer the traditional CEU.

    So with the PHM Short Course, the PHM society will follow the spirit of the IACET process:
    1) The course is an “Organized continuing education experience with responsible sponsorship, capable direction and qualified instruction”
    2) Retain a “permanent record of educational accomplishments”
    3) Allocate “One CEU …as 10 contact hours of participation” in 1)

    With planned Short Course content of 11.25 hours, then a certificate for 1.1 CEUs will be offered to attendees requesting a certificate and paying a nominal $20 fee.

    The Board could consider applying to the IACET accreditation process with IACET but costs of nearly $3700 to start and annual costs of $835 suggest that the offerings of the Society would need to be substantial to justify such an investment.

    Reference: IACET Authorized Provider Accreditation Guide May 2013


    Thanks for your efforts here Jeff, and those of other folks helping to provide the tutorial. I wish my calendar would allow me to participate.

    I look forward to future offerings in the CEU format.



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