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Agenda – Overview

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Detailed Agenda
Tuesday, July 8, 2014 — Opening Remarks, Technical Paper Sessions, Social Hour (Joint with EWSHM)
Wednesday, July 9, 2014 — Keynote Speeches, Tutorials, Technical Paper Sessions, Industrial Panel Session, Social Hour, Banquet Dinner and Awards Ceremony
Thursday, July 10, 2014 — Tutorials, Technical Paper Sessions, SHM/PHM in Action, Closing Remarks
Monday, July 7, 2014 | Location | |
17h30–19h30 | Conference Registration Open | Mezzanine |
17h30–19h30 | Ice Breaker (Joint with EWSHM) | R2 |
Tuesday, July 8, 2014 | Location | |
08h00–17h00 | Conference Registration Open | Foyer Bas |
08h15–08h30 | Opening Remarks | Salle 300 |
8h30–10h00 | Session 1A: Battery PHM Applications Session Chair: Bhaskar Saha–PARC, USA |
Salle BC |
Adaptive Driving Situation Characterization for Predicting the Driving Load of Electric Vehicles in Uncertain Environments Javier A. Oliva1, Torsten Bertram2– 1,2 Technische Universitat Dortmund, Germany |
A Real-time Data-driven Method for Battery Health Prognostics in Electric Vehicle Use Anthony Barré1, Frédéric Suard2, Mathias Gérard3, Delphine Riu4– 1,2,3 French Atomic Center (CEA), France 4 Grenoble INP, France |
Online Prediction of Battery Discharge and Estimation of Parasitic Loads for an Electric Aircraft Brian Bole1, Matthew Daigle2, George Gorospe3– 1,3 SGT, Inc. NASA Ames Research Center, USA 2 NASA Ames Research Center, USA |
8h30–10h00 | Session 1B: Model-based Diagnostics Methods Session Chair: Agusmian Ompusunggu–FMTC, Belgium |
Salle 300 |
Diagnosability-Based Sensor Placement through Structural Model Decomposition Matthew Daigle1, Indranil Roychoudhury2, Anibal Bregon3– 1 NASA Ames Research Center, USA 2 SGT, Inc. NASA Ames Research Center, USA 3 University of Valladolid, Spain |
A Comparison of Methods for Linear Cell-to-Cell Mapping and Application Example for Fault Detection and Isolation Sara Mohon1, Pierluigi Pisu2– 1,2 Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research, USA |
Identification and classification protocol for complex systems Ngoc Hoang Tran1, Mohammed-Farouk Bouaziz2, Eric Zamaï3– 1,3 Grenoble-INP, France 2 Lorraine University, France |
8h30–10h00 | Session 1C: PHM in Nuclear Power Plants Session Chair: Enrico Zio–Ecole Central Paris and Supelec, France; Politecnico di Milano, Italy |
Salle 150 |
Dynamic Weighted PSVR-Based Ensembles for Prognostics of Nuclear Components Jie Liu1, Valeria Vitelli2, Redouane Seraoui3, Enrico Zio4– 1 EDF, CentraleSupelec, France 2 University of Oslo, Norway 3 EDF, France 4 Politecnico di Milano, Italy; Ecole Centrale Paris and Supelec, France |
Remaining Useful Life Estimation for Air Filters at a Nuclear Power Plant Olli Saarela1, John E. Hulsund2, Aimo Taipale3, Morten Hegle4– 1,2,4 Institutt for Energiteknikk, Norway 1,3 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland |
Prognostics for Light Water Reactor Sustainability: Empirical Methods for Heat Exchanger Prognostic Lifetime Predictions Zachary Welz1, Alan Nam2, Michael Sharp3, J. Wesley Hines4, Belle R. Upadhyaya5– 1,2,3,4 University of Tennessee, USA |
10h00–10h30 | Networking Break | Mezzanine |
10h30–12h30 | Session 2A: Data-driven Approaches for Diagnostics Session Chair: Emmanuel Ramasso–FEMTO-ST, France |
Salle 300 |
A Data-Driven Approach for on-line Gas Turbine Combustion Monitoring using Classification Models Carmine Allegorico1, Valerio Mantini2– 1,2 General Electric Oil and Gas, Italy |
Statistical Approach to Diagnostic Rules for Various Malfunctions of Journal Bearing System Using Fisher Discriminant Analysis Byungchul Jeon1, Joonha Jung2, Byeng D. Youn3, Yeonwhan Kim4, Yong-Chae Bae5– 1,2,3 Seoul National University, Republic of Korea 4,5 KEPCO Research Institute, Republic of Korea |
Anomaly Detection Using Self-Organizing Maps-Based K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm Jing Tian1, Michael H. Azarian2, Michael Pecht3– 1,2,3 University of Maryland, USA |
Refining Envelope Analysis Methods using Wavelet De-Noising to Identify Bearing Faults Edward Max Bertot1, Pierre-Philippe Beaujean2, David Vendittis3– 1,2,3 Florida Atlantic University, USA |
10h30–12h30 | Session 2B: Prognostics and Health Management Design – I Session Chair: Abhinav Saxena–SGT/NASA, USA |
Salle 150 |
Towards an Integrated COTS Toolset for IVHM Design Octavian Niculita1, Ian K. Jennions2, Miguel Medina Valdez3– 1,2,3 Cranfield University, UK |
Prognostics and Energy Efficiency: Survey and Investigations Anh Hoang1, Phuc Do2, Benoît Iung3, Eric Levrat4, Alexandre Voisin5– 1,2,3,4,5 Lorraine University, France |
Aligning PHM, SHM and CBM by understanding the physical system failure behaviour Tiedo Tinga1, Richard Loendersloot2– 1,2 University of Twente, The Netherlands 1 Netherlands Defense Academy, The Netherlands |
Practical PHM for Medium to Large Aerospace Grade Li-Ion Battery Systems Mike Boost1, Kyle Hamblin2, John Jackson3, Yair Korenblit4, Ravi Rajamani5, Thom Stevens6, Joe Stewart7– 1,3,6,7 Securaplane, a Meggitt company, USA 2,4,5 Meggitt, USA |
10h30–12h30 | Session 2C: Model-based Prognostics Methods Session Chair: Matthew Daigle–NASA, USA |
Salle BC |
Sequential Monte Carlo sampling for crack growth prediction providing for several uncertainties Matteo Corbetta1, Claudio Sbarufatti2, Andrea Manes3, Marco Giglio4– 1,2,3,4 Politecnico di Milano, Italy |
A Prognostic Approach Based on Particle Filtering and Optimized Tuning Kernel Smoothing Yang Hu1, Piero Baraldi2, Francesco Di Maio3, Enrico Zio4– 1,2,3,4 Politecnico di Milano, Italy 4 Ecole Centrale Paris and Supelec, France |
Degradation prognosis based on a model of Gamma process mixture Edith Grall-Maes1, Pierre Beauseroy2, Antoine Grall3– 1,2,3 Universite de Technologie de Troyes, France |
An efficient simulation framework for prognostics of asymptotic processes- a case study in composite materials Manuel Chiachío1, Juan Chiachío2, Abhinav Saxena3, Guillermo Rus4, Kai Goebel5– 1,2,4 University of Granada, Spain 3,5 NASA Ames Research Center, USA |
12h30–13h50 | Lunch Break | R0 |
13h50–15h50 | Session 3A: Data-Driven Approaches for Prognostics – I Session Chair: Benoit Iung–Lorraine University, France |
Salle 300 |
An approach for feature extraction and selection from non-trending data for machinery prognosis James Kuria Kimotho1, Walter Sextro2– 1,2 University of Paderborn, Germany |
Investigating Computational Geometry for Failure Prognostics in Presence of Imprecise Health Indicator: Results and Comparisons on C-MAPSS Datasets Emmanuel Ramasso1– 1 National School of Engineering in Mechanics and Microtechnics (ENSMM), France |
Comparison of binary classifiers for data-driven prognosis of jet engines health Jean-Loup Loyer1, Elsa Henriques2, Steve Wiseall3– 1,2 Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal 3 Rolls-Royce plc, UK |
Unsupervised Kernel Regression Modeling Approach for RUL Prediction Racha Khelif1, Simon Malinowski2, Brigitte Chebel-Morello3, Noureddine Zerhouni4– 1,2,3,4 FEMTO – ST Institute, France |
13h50–15h50 | Session 3B: Performance Evaluation and Validation of PHM Session Chair: Brian Bole–SGT/NASA, USA |
Salle 150 |
A Certifiable Approach towards Integrated Solution for Aircraft Readiness Management Partha Pratim Adhikari1, Dhaval Makhecha2, Matthias Buderath3– 1,2 Airbus Defence and Space, India 3 Airbus Defence and Space, Germany |
Operational Metrics to Assess Performances of a Prognosis Function. Application to Lubricant of a Turbofan Engine Over-Consumption Prognosis Ouadie Hmad1, Jean-Rémi Masse2, Edith Grall-Maës3, Pierre Beauseroy4, Agnès Mathevet5– 1,5 Safran Engineering Services, France 2 Safran Snecma, France 1,3,4 Universite de Technologie de Troyes, France |
Performance Evaluation for Fleet-based and Unit-based Prognostic Methods Abhinav Saxena1, Shankar Sankararaman2, Kai Goebel3– 1,2 SGT, Inc. NASA Ames Research Center, USA 3 NASA Ames Research Center, USA |
13h50–15h50 | Session 3C: PHM in Wind Energy Applications Session Chair: Marcias Martinez–Delft University of Technology, Netherlands |
Salle BC |
Advanced Data Mining Approach for Wind Turbines Fault Prediction Houari Toubakh1, Moamar Sayed-Mouchaweh2– 1,2 Institut Mines-Telecom, Mines-Douai, France |
Fault Diagnosis Methods for Wind Turbines Health Monitoring: a Review Bouthaina Abichou1, Diana Flórez2, Moamar Sayed-Mouchaweh3, Houari Toubakh4, Bruno François5, Nicolas Girard6– 1,3,4 Institut Mines-Telecom, Mines-Douai, France 2,5 Ecole Centrale de Lille, France 6 Maia Eolis, France |
Economic Aspects of Prognostics and Health Management Systems in the Wind Industry Christian T. Geiss1– 1 Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft, Germany |
Fault Diagnostics of Planet Gears in Wind Turbine Using Autocorrelation-based Time Synchronous Averaging (ATSA) Jong Moon Ha1, Jungho Park2, Byeng D. Youn3, Yoong Ho Jung4– 1,2,3 Seoul National University, Korea 4 Pusan National University, Korea |
15h50–16h10 | Networking Break | Mezzanine |
16h10–18h10 | Session 4A: Data-Driven Approaches for Prognostics – II Session Chair: Manuel Chiachío–University of Granada, Spain |
Salle 300 |
A Similarity-based Prognostics Approach for Remaining Useful Life Prediction Omer F. Eker1, Fatih Camci2, Ian K. Jennions3– 1,3 Cranfield University, UK 2 Antalya International University, Turkey |
Evaluation of the Training Process of three different Prognostic Approaches based on the Gaussian Process Christian Preusche1, Christoph Anger2, Uwe Klingauf3– 1,2,3 Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Germany |
Statistical Aspects in Neural Network for the Purpose of Prognostics Dawn An1, Nam-Ho Kim2, Joo-Ho Choi3– 1,2 University of Florida, USA 1,3 Korea Aerospace University, Korea |
Fault Prognosis with Stochastic Modelling on Critical Points of Discrete Processes Thi-Bich-Lien Nguyen1, Mohand Djeziri2, Bouchra Ananou3, Mustapha Ouladsine4, Jacques Pinaton5– 1,2,3,4 Aix Marseille University, France 5 STMicroelectronics, France |
16h10–18h10 | Session 4B: Dealing with Uncertainty in PHM Session Chair: Giovanni Jacazio–Politecnico di Torino, Italy |
Salle 150 |
Uncertainty in Prognostics and Health Management: An Overview Shankar Sankararaman1, Kai Goebel2– 1 SGT, Inc. NASA Ames Research Center, USA 2 NASA Ames Research Center, USA |
Quantification of Signal Reconstruction Uncertainty in Fault Detection Systems Sameer Al-Dahidi1, Piero Baraldi2, Francesco Di Maio3, Enrico Zio4– 1,2,3,4 Politecnico di Milano, Italy 4 Ecole Centrale Paris and Supelec, France |
A General Framework for Uncertainty Propagation Based on Point Estimate Methods René Schenkendorf1– 1 German Aerospace Center, Germany |
Integrated Diagnosis and Prognosis of Uncertain Systems: A Bond Graph Approach Mayank Shekhar Jha1, Geneviève Dauphin-Tanguy2, Belkacem Ould-Bouamama3– 1,2 Ecole Centrale de Lille, France 3 Polytech-Lille, Universite de Lille 1, France |
16h10–18h10 | Session 4C: Sensors and Sensing for PHM Session Chair: Christos Emmanouillidis–Athena R.C., Greece |
Salle BC |
Wireless Modular System for Vessel Engines Monitoring, Condition Based Maintenance and Vessel’s Performance Analysis Serafeim Katsikas1, Dimitrios Dimas2, Angelos Defigos3, Apostolos Routzomanis4, Konstantina Mermikli5– 1,2,4,5 Prisma Electronics SA, Greece 3 Athens, Greece |
Smart Sensors for Condition Based Maintenance: a Test Case in the Manufacturing Industry Simone Pala1, Luca Fumagalli2, Marco Garetti3, Marco Macchi4– 1,2,3,4 Politecnico di Milano, Italy |
Linear Polarization Resistance Sensor Using the Structure as a Working Electrode Douglas W. Brown1, Richard J. Connolly2, Duane R. Darr3, Bernard Laskowski4– 1,2,3,4 Analatom, Inc., USA |
Diagnostics of Mechanical Faults in Power Transformers – Vibration Sensor Network Design under Vibration Uncertainty Joung Taek Yoon1, Kyung Min Park2, Byeng D. Youn3, Wook-Ryun Lee4– 1,2,3 Seoul National University, Republic of Korea 4 Korea Electric Power Research Institute (KEPRI), Republic of Korea |
18h10–19h30 | Social Hour (Joint with EWSHM) and Poster Session | Mezzanine |
Wednesday, July 9, 2014 | Location | |
08h30–17h00 | Conference Registration Open | Foyer Bas |
08h30–10h00 | Keynote Speeches (Joint with ESWHM) | Auditorium |
10h00–10h30 | Networking Break | Mezzanine |
10h30–12h30 | ![]() Dr. Anibal Bregon, Univ. of Valladolid, Spain |
Salle 300 |
10h30–12h30 | ![]() Dr. Piero Baraldi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy |
Salle 150 |
12h30–14h00 | Lunch Break | R0 |
14h00–16h00 | Session 5A: Condition Monitoring in Rotating Machinery Session Chair: Jean-Baptiste Leger–Predict, France |
Salle 300 |
Motor current signature analysis for gearbox health monitoring: Experiment, signal analysis and classification Iñaki Bravo-Imaz1, Alfredo García-Arribas2, Susana Ferreiro3, Santiago Fernandez4, Aitor Arnaiz5– 1,3,4,5 IK4 – TEKNIKER, Spain 2 Universidad del Pais Vasco, Spain |
Effect of parameters setting on performance of discrete component removal (DCR) methods for bearing faults detection Bovic Kilundu1, Agusmian Partogi Ompusunggu2, Faris Elasha3, David Mba4– 1,2 Flanders Mechatronics Technology Centre, Belgium 3,4 Cranfield University, UK |
Vibration Based Blind Identification of Bearing Failures for Autonomous Wireless Sensor Nodes Andrea Sanchez Ramirez1, Richard Loendersloot2, Tiedo Tinga3– 1,2,3 University of Twente, The Netherlands |
A Model-based Approach to Detect an Under-Lubricated Condition in a Ball Bearing Ranjith-Kumar Sreenilayam-Raveendran1, Michael H. Azarian2, Michael Pecht3– 1,2,3 University of Maryland, USA |
14h00–16h00 | Session 5B: PHM for Electronics Applications Session Chair: Kamal Medjaher–FEMTO-ST, France |
Salle 150 |
Accelerated life tests for prognostic and health management of MEMS devices Haithem Skima1, Kamal Medjaher2, Noureddine Zerhouni3– 1,2,3 FEMTO-ST Institute, Franche-Comte University/CNRS/ENSMM, France |
Methodology for Integrated Failure-Cause Diagnosis with Bayesian Approach: Application to Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Asma Abu Samah1, Muhammad Kashif Shahzad2, Eric Zamai3, Stéphane Hubac4– 1,2,3 Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France 4 STMicroelectronics, France |
A Bayesian network based approach to improve the effectiveness of maintenance actions in Semiconductor Industry Anis Ben Said1, Muhammad Kashif Shahzad2, Eric Zamai3, Stéphane Hubac4, Michel Tollenaere5– 1,4 STMicroelectronics, France 1,2,3,5 Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France |
A Particle Filtering-Based Approach for the Prediction of the Remaining Useful Life of an Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor Marco Rigamonti1, Piero Baraldi2, Enrico Zio3, Daniel Astigarraga4, Ainhoa Galarza5– 1,2,3 Politecnico di Milano, Italy 3 Ecole Centrale Paris and Supelec, France 4,5 CEIT, Spain |
14h00–16h00 | Session 5C: CBM and Informed Logistics Session Chair: Wes Hines–The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA |
Salle BC |
A Joint Predictive Maintenance and Spare Parts Provisioning Policy for Multi-component Systems Using RUL Prediction and Importance Measure Kim-Anh Nguyen1, Phuc Do2, Antoine Grall3– 1,3 Troyes University of Technology, France 2 Lorraine University, France |
Architectures and Key Points for Implementation of E-maintenance Based on Intelligent Sensor Networks Serafeim Katsikas1, Apostolos Routzomanis2, Konstantina Mermikli3, Dimitrios Dimas4, Christos Koulamas5, Vasilis Katsouros6, Christos Emmanouilidis7– 1,2,3,4 Prisma Electronics SA, Greece 5 Industrial Systems Institute, Athena Research and Innovation Centre, Greece 6,7 Institute for Language and Speech Processing, Athena Research and Innovation Centre, Greece |
Model-Based Approach for an Optimal Maintenance Strategy Bhaskar Saha1, Tomonori Honda2, Ion Matei3, Eric Saund4, Johan de Kleer5, Tolga Kurtoglu6, Zsolt Lattmann7– 1,2,3,4,5,6 Palo Alto Research Center, USA 7 Vanderbilt University, USA |
Modeling the Semantics of Failure Context as a means to offer Context-Adaptive Maintenance Support Petros Pistofidis1, Christos Emmanouilidis2, Aggelos Papadopoulos3, Pantelis N. Botsaris4– 1,2 Athena Research and Innovation Center, Greece 1,4 Democritus University of Thrace, Greece 3 Kleemann Lifts SA, Greece |
16h00–16h20 | Networking Break | Mezzanine |
16h20–18h20 | Panel Session – Health Ready Components Steven Holland, GM Global R&D |
Salle 300 |
16h20–18h20 | Session 6C: Industrial Applications of PHM Session Chair: Michel Schieber–Cassidian, France |
Salle BC |
Definition of parametric methods for fault analysis applied to an electromechanical servomechanism affected by multiple failures Paolo Maggiore1, Matteo D. L. Dalla Vedova2, Lorenzo Pace3, Alessio Desando4– 1,2,3,4 Politecnico di Torino, Italy |
Performance and Condition Monitoring of Tidal Stream Turbines Roger I. Grosvenor1, Paul W. Prickett2, Carwyn Frost3, Matthew Allmark4– 1,2,3,4 Cardiff University, UK |
Lessons Learned in Fleetwide Asset Monitoring of Gas Turbines and Supporting Equipment in Power Generation Applications Preston Johnson1– 1 National Instruments, USA |
Leveraging Next Generation Reasoning for Prognostics and Health Management of the Smart Grid Gilbert Cassar1, Mark Walker2, Yueting Yang3– 1 UReason, UK 2 UReason North America, USA 3 UReason, Netherlands |
19h30–22h30 | Social Hour, Banquet Dinner, and Awards Ceremony | Machines de I’lle |
Thursday, July 10, 2014 | Location | |
08h30–17h00 | Conference Registration Open | Foyer Bas |
08h30–10h00 | ![]() Dr. Jay Lee, Univ. of Cincinnati, USA |
Salle 300 |
08h30–10h00 | ![]() Dr. Abhinav Saxena, SGT Inc., NASA Ames Research Center, USA |
Salle 150 |
10h00–10h30 | Networking Break | Mezzanine |
10h30–12h30 | Session 7A: Decision-Optimization in CBM/PHM Session Chair: Ian Jennions–Cranfield University, USA |
Salle 300 |
Multi-objective optimization of OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) regarding production speed and energy consumption Adriaan Van Horenbeek1, Liliane Pintelon2, Abdellatif Bey-Temsamani3, Andrei Bartic4– 1,2 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium 3,4 Flanders Mechatronics Technology Centre, Belgium |
Designing for Human-Centred Decision Support Systems in PHM Darren McDonnell1, Nora Balfe2, Sameer Al-Dahidi3, Garret E. O’Donnell4– 1,4 School of Engineering, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland 2 Centre for Innovative Human Systems, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland 3 Politecnico di Milano, Italy |
Development of Diagnostics & Prognostics for Condition-Based Decision Support Heiko Mikat1, Antonino Marco Siddiolo2, Matthias Buderath3– 1,2,3 Airbus Defence and Space, Germany |
Aircraft Preventive Diagnosis Based on Failure Conditions Graphs Vincent Chérière1– 1 Airbus Operations SAS, France |
10h30–12h30 | Session 7B: Prognostics and Health Management Design – II Session Chair: Anibal Bregon–University of Valladolid, Spain |
Salle 150 |
Placement of alert thresholds on abnormality scores Jean-Rémi Massé1, Aurore Humeau2, Pierre Lalonde3, Armand Alimardani4– 1,3 Safran Snecma, France 2,4 Safran Engineering Services, France |
Investigation of an Indicator for On-line Diagnosis of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell Flooding using Model Based Techniques Lei Mao1, Lisa Jackson2, Sarah Dunnett3, Andrey Vasilyev4– 1,2,3,4 Loughborough University, UK |
Derivation of Fuzzy Diagnosis Rules for Multifunctional Fuel Cell Systems Christian Modest1, Frank Thielecke2– 1,2 Hamburg University of Technology, Germany |
Towards the Industrial Application of PHM: Challenges and Methodological Approach Antonio J. Guillén López1, Adolfo Crespo Márquez2, Juan Fco. Gómez Fernández3, Alejandro Guerrero Bolaños4– 1,2,3,4 University of Seville, Spain |
10h30–12h30 | Session 7C: Control-based PHM Methods Session Chair: Tiedo Tinga –Dutch Defense Academy, Netherlands |
Salle BC |
Closed-loop Control System for the Reliability of Intelligent Mechatronic Systems Tobias Meyer1, Walter Sextro2– 1,2 University of Paderborn, Germany |
Networked Modular Technology for Integrated Aircraft Health Monitoring: Application to Rotary Structures Hamza Boukabache1, Vincent Robert2, Christophe Escriba3, Jean-Y ves. Fourniol4, Jean-Philippe Furlan5– 1,2,5 ECA Group, France 3,4 French National Center for Scientific Research, France |
Remaining Useful Life Estimation of Stochastically Deteriorating Feedback Control Systems with a Random Environment and Impact of Prognostic Result on the Maintenance Process Danh Ngoc Nguyen1, Laurence Dieulle2, Antoine Grall3– 1,2,3 Troyes University of Technology, France |
Robust Passive Fault Tolerant Control Applied to Jet Engine Equipment Y. Souami1, N. Mechbal2, S. Ecoutin3– 1,2 Process and Engineering in Mechanics and Materials Laboratory, France 1,3 Snecma, France |
12h30–13h30 | Lunch Break | R0 |
13h30–15h30 | Session 8A: Degradation Modeling for Prognostics Session Chair: Piero Baraldi–Politecnico di Milano, Italy |
Salle 300 |
Duplex ball bearing outer ring deformation – Simulation and experiments Mor Battat1, Gideon Kogan2, Alex Kushnirsky3, Renata Klein4, Jacob Bortman5– 1,2,3,5 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel 4 R.K. Diagnostics, Israel |
A Prognostic Framework For Electromagnetic Relay Contacts Andrew J. Wileman1, Suresh Perinpanayagam2– 1,2 Cranfield University, UK |
Physics-Based Degradation Modelling for Filter Clogging Omer F. Eker1, Fatih Camci2, Ian K. Jennions3– 1,3 Cranfield University, UK 2 Antalya International University, Turkey |
A generic ageing model for prognosis – Application to Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines Garance Vinson1, Pauline Ribot2, Michel Combacau3– 1 Messier-Bugatti-Dowty, France 2,3 CNRS LAAS, Univ. De Toulouse, France |
13h30–15h30 | Session 8B: PHM for Structures Session Chair: Hamza Boukabache–ECA Group, France |
Salle 150 |
A Model-Based Prognostics Framework to Predict Fatigue Damage Evolution and Reliability in Composites Juan Chiachío1, Manuel Chiachío2, Abhinav Saxena3, Guillermo Rus4, Kai Goebel5– 1,2,4 University of Granada, Spain 3,5 NASA Ames Research Center, USA |
On-board SHM System Architecture and Operational Concept for Small Commuter Aircraft Jindrich Finda1, Radek Hédl2– 1,2 Honeywell International s.r.o., Czech Republic |
Cure Monitoring of Composite Carbon/Epoxy through Electrical Impedance Analysis M. Mounkaila1, T. Camps2, S. Sassi3, Ph. Marguerès4, Ph. Olivier5, J.Y. Fourniols6, C. Escriba7– 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Universite de Toulouse, France 1,2,6,7 CNRS LAAS, France |
Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Structures using embedded PZT Sensors in Space Application Sandera Cenek1, Rastogi Mudit2, Hedl Radek3– 1,2,3 Honeywell International s.r.o., Czech Republic |
13h30–15h30 | Session 8C: Data and Information Management for PHM Session Chair: Juan Chiachío –University of Granada, Spain |
Salle BC |
Evolving the Data Management Backbone: Binary OSA-CBM and Code Generation for OSA-EAI Andreas Löhr1, Matthias Buderath2– 1 Linova Software GmbH, Germany 2 Airbus Defence and Space, Germany |
Data Acquisition and Signal Analysis from Measured Motor Currents for Defect Detection in Electromechanical Drive Systems Christian Lessmeier1, Olaf Enge-Rosenblatt2, Christian Bayer3, Detmar Zimmer4– 1,4 University of Paderborn 2,3 Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, Germany |
Key factor identification for energy consumption analysis Gabriela Medina-Oliva1, Alexandre Voisin2, Maxime Monnin3, Jean-Baptiste Leger4, Benoit Iung5– 1,3,4 PREDICT 19, France 2,5 Universite de Lorraine, France |
Data quality and reliability: a cornerstone for PHM processes Jean-Baptiste Leger1, Pierre-Jean Krauth2, Guillaume Groussier3, Maxime Monnin4, Alain Mouchette5, Fayçal Lawayeb6– 1,4 PREDICT 19, France 2,5,6 ArcelorMittal Global Research and Development, France 3 ArcelorMittal, France |
15h30–15h40 | Final Remarks and Conference Closing | Salle 300 |
15h30–15h50 | Networking Break | Mezzanine |
15h50–17h50 | SHM/PHM in Action | Auditorium |
18h30–22h00 | Possible Dinner and Get Together | Bé2M Restaurant |
Last modified: 29-Jun-2014 17:11:13
Accepted Posters
- Synthetic Data for Hybrid Prognosis – Madhav Mishra, Urko Leturiondo, and Diego Galar
- A Multivariate Statistical Approach for the Implementation of a Health Monitoring System of Mechanical Power Drives – Alberto Bellazzi, Giovanni Jacazio, Bruno Maino, Guerogui Mihaylov, and Franco Pellerey
- Study on condition based maintenance using on-line monitoring and prognostics suitable to the research reactor – Sang-Hoon Bae, Han-Ju Cha, and Young-Suk Suh
- Expert Guided Adaptive Maintenance – Tony Lindgren and Jonas Biteus
Accepted Student Posters
- Some diagnostic and prognostic methods for components supporting electrical energy management in a military vehicle – Guillaume Bastard
- Health monitoring and lifetime prognosis for PEM fuel cell systems – Andrey Vasilyev, Lei Mao, Lisa Jackson, and Sarah Dunnett
- Identification and evaluation of the potentials of Prognostics and Health Management in future civil aircraft – Sebastian Torhorst, Nico B. Holzel, and Volker Gollnick
- Prognosis of Systems based on Partial Knowledge – Radouane Ouladsine
- Information Fusion processes in Prognostics and Health Management – Bernard Schmidt
- Estimation of Li-ion Battery Model Parameter for Capacity Fade Analysis – Hyeon Su Nam, Jaewook Lee, Jooho Choi, Minyoung Yoo, Seung Yeon Han, and Wooseok Sung
- Healthy Assessment tool for bearings Physical Systems inspired from Chronicle disease Diagnosis – Mohammed Chakib, K. Medjaher, N. Berrached, Noureddine Zerhouni
- Health Management System for the Hydraulic Servoactuators of Fly-by-Wire Primary Flight Control Systems – Andrea Mornacchi and Matteo Vignolo