Welcome to the PHM Society Forums! Here are some general rules about using the Forums effectively:
Anyone can access the Forums, but you need to be signed in as a user in order to post a new topic or to respond to an existing topic.
Please observe proper “netiquette” when posting: follow and get to know the forum before you post.
Keep the focus: Questions or comments outside the scope of a certain forum may be moved or deleted.
Use a descriptive subject line that describes the content of your post.
Welcome to the PHM Society Forums! Here are some general rules about using the Forums effectively:
Anyone can access the Forums, but you need to be signed in as a user in order to post a new topic or to respond to an existing topic.
Please observe proper “netiquette” when posting: follow and get to know the forum before you post.
Keep the focus: Questions or comments outside the scope of a certain forum may be moved or deleted.
Use a descriptive subject line that describes the content of your post.
The Forums are provided to the PHM community for exchange of scientific, technical, and business information. Please refrain from posting advertising or other marketing material such as company press releases.
Do not post job openings or resumes on the Forums. We provide a Job Openings section on our web site for that purpose.
If you have suggestions for new Forum topics, please contact the Forum Moderators using the contact form on our site.