SAE International

SAE International – Your source for Integrated Vehicle Health Management Solutions
SAE International is responsible for such internationally adopted aerospace documents as AS, AMS, AIR, and ARPs. In the ground vehicle industry, it plays the central role in developing essential North American standards and bringing them to the global standards table. Now, from the world’s largest, most respected consensus standards development organization, comes the first holistic, systematic approach to vehicle health management.
An end-to-end capability that transforms system data into operational support information, Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) and related standards allow for the analysis and diagnosis of a vehicle and the understanding of how a failed structure or piece of equipment impacts the vehicle’s overall health. Use of IVHM has the ability to enhance vehicle safety and reliability as well as extend product life — with maintenance and fleet management benefits.
With its roots in aerospace, IVHM is already changing aircraft design and transforming organizations’ manufacturing and operations. And, its use is rapidly being implemented in the ground vehicle and marine craft industries.
As SAE International continues to develop a body of standards to enable IVHM technology development, it also is building a collection of resources to further this technology and the economic advantages it can bring to the mobility industry.
Standards, Recommended Practices, and Information Reports
- SAE ARP6275, Development of a Business Case Analysis for IVHM
- SAE ARP6883, Guidelines for Writing IVHM Requirements for Aerospace Systems
- SAE ARP6461, Guidance on Structural Health Monitoring for Aerospace Applications
- SAE ARP5987, Establishing Software Assurance Levels for Engine Health Management Systems Utilized for Maintenance Credit
- SAE AIR6168, Landing Gear Structural Health Monitoring
- SAE ARP1587, Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Health Management Guide
- Plus, 73 other published and in-progress documents related to IVHM
- Standards committees with members from 100 companies in five countries addressing Design; Architecture; Verification Validation, Metrics & Certification; Data & Information Management; Avionics; IVHM Business Case
- IVHM–Technical Perspectives & Business Case Seminar
- SAE On-Board Diagnostics Symposium
- SAE World Congress & Exhibition – sessions on prognostics/diagnostics including new technologies with regard to vehicle health maintenance
- SAE AeroTech Congress & Exhibition – Call for Papers include IVHM topics and System Engineering
- SAE Convergence®—Premier mobility electronics implementation event
- SAE Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress recent event focus — Total Vehicle Integration
- Technical sessions at SAE events including:
- Aircraft Systems Efficiency & Optimization Methodology
- Prognostics & Diagnostics; Business Case & Return on Investment; Applications; Standardization
- Basic & advanced IVHM concepts, engineering case studies, future direction, & commercial value
- IVHM: The Technology
- IVHM: Perspectives on an Emerging Field
- IVHM: Business Case Theory and Practice
- IVHM: Implementation and Lessons
- IVHM SAE Standards Subscription
- J1939 SAE Standards & Technical Paper Collection—Considered the CAN of choice
Learn more. Listen to free podcast at
SAE International – Global, ground breaking mobility standards solutions since 1905.
USA: +1.724.776.4841
Europe: +44 (0) 207 0341250