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  • #5203

    My final submission only declared 177 sensor faults and the score ended up being above 300. How is total score calculated on each day as well as the final evaluation? Would the competition organizer release the correct answers to the testing data?

    My final submission only declared 177 sensor faults and the score ended up being above 300. How is total score calculated on each day as well as the final evaluation? Would the competition organizer release the correct answers to the testing data?



    My team’s(Green) submission only have 112 failure sensors.

    And only 12 fault answers are exactly the same compare to your result.

    Obviously, the algorithms we used to decide a fault are very different.

    It’s very interesting…


    You also get “points” for correctly identifying good anemometers.

    score = sum(YourSubmission==GroundTruth)

    So if YS = [1 0 0 1] and GT = [0 0 0 1], score = 3


    In that case, the score function is different from what was announced earlier during the competition. In addition, the best score (winner by dsuc) only has 62% classification accuracy. Would this indicate that the lack of sensor fault training data significantly hindered the participants from verifying their sensor fault hypotheses? Is it possible to reveal the ground truth to us at some point?


    Just curious whether any reply to the post has to be approved by the administrator.


    Can we expect an official release of the correct answers, similarly like for the case of PHM 2009 competition?

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