Panel Sessions
The PHM Society provides an opportunity to hear and interact with recognized industry leaders in relevant areas for our PHM work. These 90 minute panel sessions will consist of presentations and open discussion by 4-6 panelists directly engaging with the conference audience on six different topics listed below.
These sessions add an enriching dimension to the conference experience and a welcome networking alternative to traditional paper presentations, which dominate some conferences. We believe balancing the conference time in this fashion provides participants a much more engaging experience and increased opportunity to gain unique knowledge.
Panel Session Topics
- Panel Session 1: Big Data and Analytics: From a CBM+ and Enterprise Perspective
Session Chairs: Andy Hess and Tom Mooney
- Panel Session 2: Rotary Wings HUMS Evolution
Session Chairs: Pat Kalgren and Eric Bechhoefer
- Panel Session 3: Commercial Aerospace PHM/IVHM
Session Chairs: Rhonda Walthall and Robby O’Dell
- Panel Session 4: Manufacturing/Production PHM
Session Chairs: Yan Lu, Jay Lee, and Justinian Rosca
- Panel Session 5: PHM in the Nuclear Industry: Identifying Challenges and Research Directions
Session Chair: Vivek Agarwal
- Panel Session 6: Fielded Systems — Experience and Lessons Learned
Session Chairs: Tom Mooney, Ravi Rajamani, and Andy Hess
- Panel Session 1: Big Data and Analytics: From a CBM+ and Enterprise Perspective
Panel Session Chair:
Mike Roemer
Panel Session Details
Panel Session 1: Big Data and Analytics: from a CBM + and Enterprise Perspective
Session Chairs: Andy Hess and Tom Mooney |
Description: This panel will explore the needs, state-of-the-art and technologies, benefits, and lessons learned associated with big data analytics, data mining and how it relates to CBM, Sustainment, and general good business decisions across the enterprise. It will focus on aspects of big data analytics that are most relevant to prognostics and health management, including concrete cases of implemented approaches in many industry sector applications. Discussions will include of examples some specific software capabilities and tools from our community of developers, suppliers, and users. |
List of Panelists:
Panel Session 2: Rotary Wings HUMS Evolution
Session Chairs: Pat Kalgren and Eric Bechhoefer |
Description: The past 10 years have seen widespread deployment of health and usage monitoring in the heavy helicopter market. This experience will shaped the way OEM and large operators have used HUMS information to improve operational readiness and safety while reducing unscheduled maintenance cost. The panel will discuss:
List of Panelists:
Panel Session 3: Commercial Aerospace PHM/IVHM
Session Chairs: Rhonda Walthall and Robby O’Dell |
Description: This panel session will explore the value of commercial IVHM for aerospace platforms. Specific topics that will be addressed include implementing IVHM to lower the cost of ownership, to enhance safety, and to generate revenue. |
List of Panelists:
Panel Session 4: Manufacturing/Production PHM
Session Chairs: Yan Lu, Jay Lee, and Justinian Rosca |
Description: PHM is proved to be effective to reduce uncertainties associated with production systems’ future states and performance, which essentially enables better decision makings on manufacturing activities. The cost/benefit advantages are substantial, with savings from maintenance/spares and energy cost reduction, longer life-cycle, and production line availability and product quality improvements. The objectives of the panel include:
List of Panelists:
Panel Session 5: PHM in the Nuclear Industry: Identifying Challenges and Research Directions
Session Chair: Vivek Agarwal |
Description: The operating model of the nuclear industry is highly dependent on large technical staffs as plants conduct substantial number of preventive maintenance activities on an ongoing basis to diagnose plant structures, systems, and components health. This operating model is cost prohibitive as most nuclear plants continue to operate beyond their license life of 40 years. Sensor technology and smart prognostic and health management (PHM) tools can offset labor cost and would enable nuclear power plant fleet to remain competitive in the electricity generating market while continuing its excellent nuclear safety record. Implementation of advance PHM in the nuclear industry unless done right, can cause problems. The experts in nuclear PHM are working specifically to address the emerging challenges. |
List of Panelists:
Panel Session 6: Fielded Systems — Experience and Lessons Learned
Session Chairs: Tom Mooney, Ravi Rajamani, and Andy Hess |
Description: This panel will present the development background, status and implementation experiences associated with several highlighted fielded PHM systems. Focus will include lessons learned and issues associated with: requirements setting; capability selection and V&V; system development and integration; performance assessment; and fleet-wide implementation. Case studies will be used to emphasize both successes and problem areas experienced. |
List of Panelists: