
One of the unique features of the PHM conferences is free technical tutorials on various topics in health management taught by industry experts. At PHM14, tutorials will take place on Tuesday, September 30, and Wednesday, October 1, 2014. As educational events tutorials provide a comprehensive introduction to the state-of-the-art in the tutorial’s topic. Proposed tutorials address the interests of a varied audience: beginners, developers, designers, researchers, practitioners, and decision makers who wish to learn a given aspect of prognostic health management. Tutorials will focus both on theoretical aspects as well as industrial applications of prognostics. These tutorials reach a good balance between the topic coverage and its relevance to the community.

Tutorial Topics

  • Diagnostics
    Presented by: Dr. Eric Bechhoefer, President, GPMS LLC
  • Model-based Prognostics (slides)
    Presented by: Dr. Matthew Daigle, Senior Researcher, Prognostics Center of Excellence, Intelligent Systems Division, NASA Ames Research Center
  • PHM for Electronics
    Presented by: Patrick Kalgren, Manager, Electronic Systems PHM, Impact Technologies
  • Open Systems Architecture for Condition Based Maintenance (OSA-CBM)
    Presented by: Dr. Karl Reichard, Head, ARL Embedded Hardware/Software Systems and Applications Department, Pennsylvania State University, Applied Research Laboratory
  • Data Mining
    Presented by: Dr. Nikunj Oza, Leader Data Sciences Group, NASA Ames Research Center
  • Perspectives on Creating Cost-Benefit Analyses for PHM Systems (slides)
    Presented by: Chris Pomfret, Executive Director, MFPT Society
Key Conference Dates
Tutorials 30 Sep – 1 Oct 2014

PHM Conference tutorials have been a popular event in the past and the PHM society is proud to continue this service to the community. Topics of interest of these tutorials span fundamentals of PHM (Diagnostics, Prognostics, Health Management, Uncertainty Management, etc.) as well as specialized topics such as Cost-Benefit analysis, Data-Mining, Electronics PHM, Bayesian Filtering for Prognosis, etc. For a more comprehensive list of past tutorials please look at the following links:

Past PHM Tutorials
[PHM 2009] [PHM 2010] [PHM 2011] [PHM 2012] [PHME 2012] [PHM 2013] [PHME 2014]

Tutorials Chairs:
George Vachtsevanos george.vachtsevanos@ece.gatech.edu
Kai Goebel kai.goebel@nasa.gov

Tutorial Details

Tutorial Title: Diagnostics

Dr. Eric Bechhoefer, President, GPMS LLC
Abstract: This tutorial will give an overview of mechanical diagnostic techniques and a discussion of operational practices. We will give background on “synchronous analysis” used for shaft/gear diagnostics, and asynchronous analysis used for bearing diagnostics. To support analysis, configuration concepts will be reviewed. Real world diagnostic case studies will be presented, which explore how configuration and parameter settings (such as narrow band analysis bandwidth and bearing window selection) affect the analysis capability.
Presenter Bio: Eric Bechhoefer is President of Green Power Monitoring Systems. Formerly a technical fellow at Goodrich SIS and Chief Engineer at NRG Systems, Eric is developing a bused, light weight health and usage monitoring system for the light helicopter market. Eric has 14 years experience in vibration based condition based maintenance systems, with 23 patents and over 100 peer-reviewed papers.


Tutorial Title: Model-Based Prognostics (slides)

Dr. Matthew Daigle, Senior Researcher, Prognostics Center of Excellence, Intelligent Systems Division, NASA Ames Research Center
Abstract: The area of prognostics is focused on the estimation of system health and the prediction of critical events such as end of usable life. Model-based prognostics establishes a formal framework for defining prognostics problems and algorithms for solving them, through the use of system models. This tutorial will present the general approach of model-based prognostics, describing modeling approaches, estimation algorithms, prediction algorithms, and uncertainty representation and quantification, as well as advanced topics including structural model decomposition, system-level prognostics, and distributed prognostics. Case studies will be used to explain the concepts and demonstrate their application to real-world systems.
Presenter Bio: Matthew J. Daigle received the B.S. degree in Computer Science and Computer and Systems Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, in 2004, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, in 2006 and 2008, respectively. From September 2004 to May 2008, he was a Graduate Research Assistant with the Institute for Software Integrated Systems and Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. From June 2008 to December 2011, he was an Associate Scientist with the University of California, Santa Cruz, at NASA Ames Research Center. Since January 2012, he has been with NASA Ames Research Center as a Research Computer Scientist. His current research interests include physics-based modeling, model-based diagnosis and prognosis, simulation, and hybrid systems.


Tutorial Title: PHM for Electronics

Patrick Kalgren, Manager, Electronic Systems PHM, Impact Technologies
Abstract: Electronic system condition monitoring for prognostics and condition-based maintenance, once perceived a fool’s errand, now boasts a growing community of researchers and practitioners. Still in infancy, relative to mechanical and structural system PHM, electronic systems PHM offers a paradigm shift from the “on-condition” reactive nature of traditional electronic system maintenance. This tutorial explores the benefits and potential pitfalls of ready access to system data without additional sensors, discusses technical progress made over the past decade, considers practical applications of the new technologies, identifies technology maturation needs, and suggests strategies to foster industry acceptance and adoption of this new capability.
Presenter Bio: Patrick Kalgren manages the Electronic Systems Health Management group at Sikorsky. He has led Impact Technologies’ development of electronic and electrical power systems enhanced diagnostic and prognostic technologies for more than a decade. As the principal investigator on multiple programs, he developed patented technologies and successfully demonstrated and deployed ePHM capabilities. Patrick’s team now supports the transition of these technologies to military and commercial systems. Mr. Kalgren has a degree in Computer Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University and now entertains multiple interests while working for Sikorsky, experimenting in his lab, and maintaining a small fold of Scottish Highland cattle.


Tutorial Title: Open Systems Architecture for Condition Based Maintenance (OSA-CBM)

Dr. Karl Reichard, Head, ARL Embedded Hardware/Software Systems and Applications Department, Pennsylvania State University, Applied Research Laboratory
Abstract: This tutorial will discuss existing and emerging standards for Condition Based Maintenance and PHM. The Tutorial will cover existing standards such as ISO 13381, and the Open Systems Architecture for Condition Based Maintenance (OSA-CBM). We will also cover new emerging standards through the IEEE and SAE, and the Army Bulk CBM Data (ABCD) format, which is being adopted as a standard for data within Arm logistics systems. The tutorial will cover the history of the standards, the standards development process, the content of the standards themselves and will include examples of systems and implementations using these standards.
Presenter Bio: Karl Reichard has over 25 years of experience in the design and development of advanced measurement, control and monitoring systems. He received the Ph.D., M.S. and B.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech). Dr. Reichard is a Research Associate with the Pennsylvania State University Applied Research Laboratory, and an Assistant Professor of Acoustics with the Penn State Graduate Program in Acoustics. His research experience includes the development of embedded and distributed sensing and control systems for machinery and system health monitoring, acoustic surveillance and detection, active noise and vibration control and electro-optics. Dr. Reichard is a member of the Board of Directors of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, and a member of the IEEE and the Acoustical Society of America. He is the author of over 50 papers and articles published in journals and conference proceedings.


Tutorial Title: Data Mining

Dr. Nikunj Oza, Leader Data Sciences Group, NASA Ames Research Center
Abstract: This tutorial will give an overview of data mining and how it relates to machine learning, statistics, big data, and other related terms that people may have heard. We will then focus on aspects of data mining that are most relevant to prognostics and health management, including concrete examples. We will end with a discussion of some open-sourced data mining tools that NASA has made available and show how attendees can use these tools and join our community of users and developers.
Presenter Bio: Nikunj Oza is the leader of the Data Sciences Group at NASA Ames Research Center and the Discovery of Precursors to Safety Incidents (DPSI) team which applies data mining to aviation safety. Dr. Oza¹s 40+ research papers represent his research interests which include data mining, fault detection, and their applications to Aeronautics and Earth Science. He received the Arch T. Colwell Award for co-authoring one of the five most innovative technical papers selected from 3300+ SAE technical papers in 2005. He received his B.S. in Mathematics with Computer Science from MIT in 1994, and M.S. (in 1998) and Ph.D. (in 2001) in Computer Science from the University of California at Berkeley.


Tutorial Title: Perspectives on Creating Cost-Benefit Analyses for PHM Systems (slides)

Chris Pomfret, Executive Director, MFPT Society
Abstract: Technology developed over the last 20 years has generated impressive tools and capabilities for PHM. Now, potentially interested end-users of such systems are interested in understanding just how a PHM system would provide a return on investment. But, calculating a RoI is complex and a standard computer program or spreadsheet doesn’t exist; instead, computations need to be specially created to meet the specific application under consideration.
The tutorial will discuss approaches to creating RoI’s and provide insight into the factors to be considered. Additionally, the tutorial touches on those beneficial elements for which a tangible, quantitative cost saving cannot be computed but are nonetheless important and thus need to be included.
The tutorial does not provide a specific way of conducting an RoI exercise but leaves the listener with an idea of the complexity of the undertaking, how to design a cost-benefit analysis and, from the range and depth of factors to be addressed, provides an insight into the fidelity that can be achieved.
Presenter Bio: Chris Pomfret has been involved in all aspects of PHM for the past 20 years. As a Royal Air Force Engineer Officer on exchange to the USAF, he initiated the USAF’s pursuits in Propulsion Health Management in the early ‘90’s and, as an independent consultant for the past 18 years, has worked with many companies who have developed and implemented PHM technology. Throughout his time in the US, he has been an active member of the SAE International Technical Standards Committees for Propulsion and Integrated Vehicle Health Management and was a founding member of the SAE IVHM Steering Committee. He wrote a Chapter on Business Case Derivation for the first of three books that SAE has written on IVHM and provided reviewer input to the following 2 books produced by SAE. As Executive Director for the Society for Machinery Failure Prevention Technology (MFPT) for the past 8 years, he has organized HM conferences in the US and Europe and has attended every annual conference of the PHM Society since its inception.