Diversity Outreach & Networking Event

Come join your PHM18 colleagues for a Diversity Outreach and Networking event. This event is focused on inspiring and encouraging women and under-represented students to consider PHM related careers and to foster a community network between students and professionals, possibly leading to new mentoring relationships.

It is also ideally suited to promote collaborative networking amongst all levels of conference participants, offering the potential for increased interaction and exploration of innovative ideas.

Diversity Outreach Chair:
Kathryn Elliott kathryn.elliott@rolls-royce.com

Diversity Outreach

The PHM Society is keenly aware of the benefits of diverse thinking that will accelerate the innovative technical advancements pertaining to the PHM engineering discipline. This event is held to attract and encourage engagement from participants representing all aspects of diversity.


One of the basic principles on which the PHM Society is founded is interdisciplinary and international collaboration. This event offers the opportunity to network with a broad cross-section of participants to foster increased collaboration among the conference participants.