PHM18 Technology Demonstration
Technology Demonstration Description and Proposal
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The PHM Society invites our conference sponsors to show off their diagnostic and prognostic engineering approaches through PHM Technology Demonstrations. The concept of the demonstrations is to offer a true “hands-on” learning experience for attendees. Multiple demonstrations will be given as brief tutorials to small groups. Each demo will last 30 to 60 minutes, where attendees will be encouraged to actively participate. All tech demo presenters also have the option to submit a 1-page flyer/brochure to be included on the website, as well as additional recognition in the printed conference program. The single page on the website will be in the company’s desired format. (See the proposal solicitation for more details.)
Please submit proposals and questions to the co-chair listed below by August 24th, 2018. Technology Demonstration Chairs: |
Some potential demonstration topics include, but are not limited to:
- Certification and Validation Techniques for Health Management Applications
- Fielded Prognostic or Advanced Diagnostic Systems
- Innovative System Maintenance Approaches
- Rapid Aging Testing and Analysis Techniques
- Sensors and Sensor Integration for Health Management
- System Identification Processes to Support Health Management Goals
This demonstration opportunity is open to sponsors of the PHM 2018 conference. Interested parties should submit a brief proposal of their PHM technology demonstration, including:
- Demonstration description
- Methods of attendee interaction planned (the more, the better)
- Educational value
- Display requirements (tables, projector/screen, audio, etc.)
- Storage and transportation needs
NOTE: Demonstration content (hardware, software, concepts, material, and data) must be cleared for public release.
Technology Demonstration Attendance Sign-Up Process
All conference participants are invited to attend the interactive, “hands-on” technology demonstrations. There are multiple demonstrations from which to choose (see below for details). Due to limited space, attendees must sign-up in advance at the demo conference rooms. Time slots are allotted to attendees on a first-come-first-serve basis on the sign-up sheet.
Technology Demonstration Topics and Presenters:
- GM Fuel Delivery System Diagnostics & Prognostics (GM)
- GM Vehicle Electrical System Diagnostics & Prognostics (GM)
- Leveraging Expert Systems for Creating Re-usable Online PHM Reasoning Architectures (D2K)
- MindSphere: An Open Cloud-based IoT Operating System for Industry (Siemens)
- Remaining Useful Life Estimation using MATLAB and Simulink (MathWorks)
- Sensor Suites for Aircraft Electrical Systems (Sporian)
- Using the SAE Mobilus Platform to Find PHM Related Standards (SAE Industry Technologies Consortia)
Technology Demonstration Schedule
Time | Topic | Presenter |
9:00 – 10:30 | Sensor Suites for Aircraft Electrical Systems | Sporian |
10:45 – 12:15 | Remaining Useful Life Estimation using MATLAB and Simulink | MathWorks |
1:30 – 3:00 | Using the SAE Mobilus Platform to Find PHM Related Standards | SAE Industry Technologies Consortia |
3:30 – 5:00 | Leveraging Expert Systems for Creating Re-usable Online PHM Reasoning Architectures | D2K |
Time | Topic | Presenter |
10:05 – 11:35 | MindSphere: An Open Cloud-based IoT Operating System for Industry | Siemens |
1:45 – 2:30 | GM Fuel Delivery System Diagnostics & Prognostics | GM |
2:30 – 3:15 | GM Vehicle Electrical System Diagnostics & Prognostics |
Technology Demonstration Summaries
GM Fuel Delivery System Diagnostics & Prognostics Presenter: General Motors |
This will be a video demo showcasing the capability of fault isolation, and fault severity estimation in high pressure fuel delivery system in automotive gas engines.
Attendees will experience real world automotive application of PHM concepts & understand the complexities of modern direct injection fuel delivery systems in automotive gasoline engines. |
GM Vehicle Electrical System Diagnostics & Prognostics Presenter: General Motors |
This will be a video showing automotive electrical wiring harness diagnostic, using the test bed shown in 2017. The demo video will include: (1) Introduction, (2) Diagnosis for wire open/short, and (3) Prognosis for ground offset trend detection before it becomes a floating ground.
Attendees will be able to see real world automotive application of PHM concepts & understand the complexities of modern automotive control. |
Leveraging Expert Systems for Creating Re-usable Online PHM Reasoning Architectures Presenter: D2K |
D2K will demonstrate the usage and utility of next generation model-based solution development platforms for creating re-usable online PHM reasoning software. The authors have applied this approach to the creation of PHM and autonomous operations systems across multiple domains, including PHM for complex DoD systems, autonomy for NASA flight and ground systems, abnormal situation management systems for manufacturing, and industrial process optimization for various industries. The hands-on demonstration focuses on equipment and data from a real-world mining operation as an example but will highlight the specification and development of system software models (e.g. digital twin) and the leveraging of generic artificial intelligence technologies that reason over those models. The attendee will be offered an “under-the-hood” look at software development within such a platform and gain better insight into how to leverage such approaches for delivering value-added PHM software. The attendee will also be given the opportunity to connect to the reasoning platform and make software modifications. D2K will also provide insight into managing such a software project, including the management of requirements, Verification and Validation (V&V), and Software Quality Assurance (SQA). |
MindSphere: An Open Cloud-based IoT Operating System for Industry Presenter: Siemens |
Siemens will provide an introduction to MindSphere – the cloud-based, open IoT operating system from Siemens. The combined live and video demonstration will cover a variety of uses cases – from an end user perspective, collecting sensor data and the subsequent data analytics to reduce unplanned downtime, machine builders creating new revenue streams by offering new digital services based on MindSphere applications up to how the developer journey looks like, developing applications and pushing them into the MindSphere Store to market them.
The demonstration will range from presentation and dialogue about examples of successful applications using Siemens MindSphere to how one can get started with little cost and risk and scale up fast. The demonstration will allow participants to identify ideas for innovate scalable business solutions by using MindSphere IoT and understand what it takes to design and create the most suitable business models or technical solutions for the business. Participants will learn how advanced sensor, automation, and cloud technologies can combine to help you take advantage of advanced analytics and machine learning. This will create insights into the benefits from open IIoT platforms in terms of connectivity, custom app development and an ecosystem of apps. |
Remaining Useful Life Estimation using MATLAB and Simulink Presenter: MathWorks |
MathWorks will show how to use machine learning and time series modeling capabilities to monitor the health of a machine and estimate its Remaining Useful Life (RUL) using different techniques based on the data available. The algorithm will then be deployed to an Internet of Things (IoT) platform such as ThingSpeak.
The demo will cover how to access data and bring it into MATLAB from a variety of sources including cloud storage systems such as Azure and Amazon, preprocessing it and extracting features using signal processing and statistical techniques, and building predictive models to estimate RUL using similarity and trend-based methods. The datasets will include the NASA dataset for jet engines. The demo will also show how to develop a dashboard in MATLAB that can be used to monitor data as it comes in. Finally, the demo will also cover the use of simulation data modeling the failure of an oil pump to train RUL estimation models that track exponential degradation. Attendees will be able to interact with the presenters and see how they can evaluate different techniques and modeling methods for developing their algorithms. They will also be able to introduce faults into the simulation model used to generate data. This will allow them to explore how the machine’s behavior can change as fault type and severity is varied. They key way this demo builds on last year’s demo is its focus on RUL and the dashboards that can be built with MATLAB. |
Sensor Suites for Aircraft Electrical Systems Presenter: Sporian Microsystems |
In order to reduce maintenance costs, technologies are needed that can facilitate condition-based maintenance operations for electrical and mechanical components to predict when failures may occur. A system that can estimate when a failure of a component will occur would reduce maintenance costs by eliminating unnecessary replacements. This system would have to monitor environmental conditions (e.g. current, voltage, temperature, vibration etc.) and then, using changes in component characteristics in conjunction with reliability calculations, determine if a system failure is imminent.
The demonstration will feature PHM sensors that are part of a GCU monitor module and software to display and visualize collected PHM data. It will illustrate the benefits of PHM smart sensors for aircraft Condition Based Maintenance operation and the design challenges and trade-offs necessary to produce a wireless sensor module that will collect and log PHM data relevant to aircraft generators and GCUs. The demonstration will be fully interactive, triggering on over voltage, under voltage and under frequency. Q&A will be encouraged. The sensor interface includes multiple graphs for displaying data and status. |
Using the SAE Mobilus Platform to Find PHM Related Standards Presenter: SAE Industry Technologies Consortia |
How to find PHM related standards and other information using the SAE Mobilus platform Search methods and advanced features of the platform will be demonstrated.
Attendees should bring their own laptop or cell phone with internet connectivity. The steps will be demonstrated on a large screen so participants can follow along on their own equipment. Brochures with information on Mobilus will be available, as well as a contact for more information. In addition to SAE staff in person, expert staff will be on telecom. |