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Agenda – Overview



Monday, October 14, 2013 — Doctoral Consortium and Panel Sessions
Tuesday, October 15, 2013 — Lumminaries Sessions, Technical Paper Sessions, Poster Session, Tutorials, Workshops and Technology Demonstrations
Wednesday, October 16, 2013 — Technical Paper Sessions, Tutorials, Workshops and Technology Demonstrations
Thursday, October 17, 2013 — Technical Paper Sessions, Tutorials, Panel Sessions and Technology Demonstrations

Click on the icon next to an event to get further details. Best paper nominees are designated with a


Monday, October 14, 2013 Location
7:00AM–5:00PM Conference Registration Open Magnolia
7:00AM–10:00AM Doctoral Consortium Session 1
Nils Propes – Global Technology Connection, Inc.
Marcos Orchard – University of Chile
10:00AM–10:30AM Networking Break Julia
10:30AM–12:00PM Doctoral Consortium Session 2
Nils Propes – Global Technology Connection, Inc.
Marcos Orchard – University of Chile
12:00PM–1:00PM Lunch Break (On Your Own)
1:00 PM–1:30PM Conference Commencement Blaine Kern
1:30PM–3:00PM Doctoral Consortium Session 3
Nils Propes – Global Technology Connection, Inc.
Marcos Orchard – University of Chile
1:30PM–3:00PM Panel Session 1 – Big Data Analytics and Enterprise
Andy Hess – Hess PHM Group
Ravi Rajamani – Meggitt USA
River Bend 1 & 2
3:00PM–3:30PM Networking Break Blaine Kern
3:30PM–5:00PM Doctoral Consortium Session 4
Nils Propes – Global Technology Connection, Inc.
Marcos Orchard – University of Chile
3:30PM–5:00PM Panel Session 2 – Aerospace and Mobility
Steven King, Chris Young and Chris Hickenbottom
River Bend 1 & 2
5:00PM–7:00PM Cocktail Reception Blaine Kern
Tuesday, October 15, 2013 Location
7:00AM–5:00PM Conference Registration Open Magnolia
7:00AM–8:00AM Breakfast Blaine Kern
8:00AM–8:30AM Opening Remarks Blaine Kern
8:30AM–9:40AM Luminaries
Dr. Wolfgang Fink, Associate Professor, University of Arizona – Tucson
Dr. Leo Christodoulou, Director, Structures Domain Leader, Enterprise Technology Strategy, Office of the CTO, The Boeing Company
Blaine Kern
9:45AM–10:00AM Networking Break Blaine Kern
10:00AM–11:30AM Luminaries
Henry Margusity, Senior Meteorologist,
Luminary Panel Q&A
Blain Kern
12:00PM–1:30PM Symposium Lunch and Keynote Speech Blaine Kern
1:30PM–5:00M Technology Demonstration Creole Queen/ Natchez
1:30PM–3:00PM Technical Paper Session 1A: Uncertainty in PHM
Prof. Marcos Orchard–Universidad de Chile
Why is the Remaining Useful Life Prediction Uncertain?
Shankar Sankararaman1, Kai Goebel2
1 SGT Inc., NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, USA
2 NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, USA
Distribution Free Prediction Interval for Uncertainty Quantification in Remaining Useful Life Prediction
Huimin Chen1
1University of New Orleans, USA
A Novel Computational Methodology for Uncertainty Quantification in Prognostics Using The Most Probable Point Concept
Shankar Sankararaman1, Kai Goebel2
1 SGT Inc., NASA Ames Research Center, USA
2 NASA Ames Research Center, USA
1:30PM–3:00PM Technical Paper Session 1B: PHM System Design and Engineering
Dr. Dustin Garvey–GE Global Research
New Leveé
Prognostic Algorithm Verification
N. Scott Clements1, David S. Bodden2
1,2Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company, USA
PHM for Astronauts – A New Application
Alexandre Popov1, Wolfgang Fink2, Andrew Hess3
1 Canadian Space Agency, Canada
2 California Institute of Technology, USA
3 The Hess PHM Group, USA
Rotor Track and Balance Improvements
Eric Bechhoefer1, Austin Fang2, Ephrahim Garcia3
1Green Power Monitoring Systems, USA
2Cornell University, Ithaca, USA
1:30PM–3:00PM Technical Paper Session 1C: Prognostics Methods I
Dr. Kai Goebel and Dr. Abhinav Saxena–NASA Ames Research Center and NASA Ames Research Center (SGT Inc.)
Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Prognosis
Gregory Bartram1, Sankaran Mahadevan2
1,2 Vanderbilt University, USA
Health Monitoring and Prognosis of Hybrid Systems
Said Zabi1, Pauline Ribot2, Elodie Chanthery3
1,2CNRS, LAAS, France; Univ de Toulouse, France
3CNRS, LAAS, France; Univ de Toulouse, France
A Modeling Framework for Prognostic Decision Making and its Application to UAV Mission Planning
Edward Balaban1, Juan J. Alonso2
1NASA Ames Research Center, USA
2 Stanford University, USA
1:30PM–3:00PM Tutorial Session 1 – Data Mining
Dr. Nikunj Oza, Leader Data Sciences Group, NASA Ames Research Center
River Bend 2
1:30PM–3:00PM Wind Workshop Session 1 : PHM in the Mitigation of Financial Risk
Moderator :Eric Bechhoefer
River Bend 1
3:00PM–3:30PM Networking Break Blaine Kern
3:30PM–5:00PM Technical Paper Session 2A: PHM in Maintenance Logistics
George Vachtsevanos–Georgia Institute of Technology
Maintenance Planning Optimization Based on PHM Information and Spare Parts Availability
Leonardo R. Rodrigues1, Takashi Yoneyama2
1Embraer S.A., Brazil
2Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica, Brazil
Accommodating Repair Actions into Gas Turbine Prognostics
Zakwan Skaf1, Martha A. Zaidan2, Robert F. Harrison3, Andrew R. Mills4
1,2,3,4The University of Sheffield, UK
System Level RUL Estimation for Multiple-Component Systems
Joao P. P. Gomes1, Leonardo R. Rodrigues2, Roberto K. H. Galvao3, Takashi Yoneyama4
1,2 EMBRAER S.A., Brazil
3,4Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica, Brazil
3:30PM–5:00PM Technical Paper Session 2B: Analytical PHM Methods
Dr. Weizhong Yan–GE Global Research
New Leveé
A Stochastic Modeling Approach of Quantized Systems with Application to Fault Detection and Isolation of an Automotive Electrical Power Generation Storage System
Sara Mohon1, Pierluigi Pisu2
1,2Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research, USA
I/P Transducer Application of Model-BasedWear Detection and Estimation using Steady State Conditions
Christopher Teubert1, Matthew Daigle2
1 SGT, Inc. NASA Ames Research Center, USA
2 NASA Ames Research Center, USA
Fault Detection and Isolation for Autonomous Parafoils
Matthew R. Stoeckle1, Amer Fejzic2, Louis S. Breger3, Jonathan P. How4
1,4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
2,3 Draper Laboratory, USA
3:30PM–5:00PM Technical Paper Session 2C: Prognostics Methods II
Vincent Chérière–Airbus
Advanced Methods for Determining Prediction Uncertainty in Model-Based Prognostics with Application to Planetary Rovers
Matthew Daigle1, Shankar Sankararaman2
1NASA Ames Research Center, USA
2 SGT, Inc., NASA Ames Research Center, USA
Degredation Modeling and Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Electrolytic Capacitors under Thermal Overstress Condition Using Particle Filters
Hamed Khorasgani1, Chetan Kulkarni2, Gautam Biswas3, Jose R. Celaya4, Kai Goebel5
1,3 Vanderbilt University, SA
2,4 SGT Inc. NASA Ames Research Center, USA
5 NASA Ames Research Center, USA
A Model-Based Approach for Predicting the Remaining Driving Range in Electric Vehicles
Javier A. Oliva1, Christoph Weihrauch2, Torsten Bertram3
1,2,3Technische Universitat Dortmund, Germany
3:30PM–5:00PM Tutorial Session 2 – Diagnostics
Dr. Doug Brown, Sr. Systems Engineer, Analatom, Inc
River Bend 2
3:30PM–5:00PM Wind Workshop Session 2 : PHM of Oil – in support of Operations & Maintenance
Moderator : David He
River Bend 1
5:00PM–7:30PM Cocktail Receiption and Live Poster Presentations
Blaine Kern
Wednesday, October 16, 2013 Location
7:00AM–5:00PM Conference Registration Open Magnolia
7:00AM–8:00AM Breakfast Blaine Kern
8:00AM–8:30AM Opening Remarks Blaine Kern
8:00AM–5:00M Technology Demonstration Creole Queen / Natchez
8:30AM–10:00AM Technical Paper Session 3A: Model-based Diagnosis I
Prof. Anibal Bregon–Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
Improving the Diagnostic Performance for Dynamic Systems through the use of Conflict-Driven Model Decomposition
Anibal Bregon1, Alexander Feldman2, Belarmino Pulido3, Gregory Provan4, Carlos Alonso-Gonzalez5
1,3,5 Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
2,4 University College Cork, Ireland
Efficient Generation of Minimal Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Hybrid Systems Fault Diagnosis using Hybrid Possible Conflicts
Belarmino Pulido1, Noemi Moya2, Carlos Alonso-Gonzalez3, Anibal Bregon4
1,2,3,4 Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
A Framework to Debug Diagnostic Matrices
Anuradha Kodali1, Peter Robinson2, Ann Patterson-Hine3
1 SGT Inc., NASA Ames Research Center, USA
2,3 NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, USA
8:30AM–10:00AM Technical Paper Session 3B: PHM Applications I
Dr. Michael J. Roemer–Impact Technologies, A Sikorsky Innovations Company
New Leveé
Wireless Power and Data System for Integrated System Health Management of Systems Operating in the Harsh Environment of Deep Space
Jim Miller1, Jon Patterson2, Ray Garbos3
1,2NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, USA
3AMI Research and Development, LLC., USA
A New Prognostic Approach for Hydro-Generators Stator Windings
Normand Amyot1, Claude Hudon2, Melanie Levesque3, Mario Belec4, France Brabant5, Francois-Xavier Frenette6
1,2,3,4,5,6Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada
Determination of Primary Chemical Constituents of PBX (AF)-108 Warhead Explosive Using microPHAZIR NIR Handheld Platform
Sami Daoud1, Michael J. Villeburn2, Kevin D. Bailey3, Gordon Kinloch4, Lydia Biegert5, Craig Gardner6
1,2,3 Raytheon Missile Systems, USA
4 United Kingdom Ministry of Defense, UK
5 Alliant Techsystems Launch Systems, USA
6 Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA
8:30AM–10:00AM Technical Paper Session 3C: Data-driven Methods for PHM
Dr. Neil Eklund–GE Global Research
Wear Prognostic on Turbofan Engines
Jerome Lacaille1, Aurelie Gouby2, Olivier Piol3
1,2,3Snecma, France
Electronic Returnless Fuel System Fault Diagnosis and Isolation: A Data-Driven Approach
Bharath Pattipati1, Krishna Pattipati2, Youssef A. Ghoneim3, Mark Howell4, Mutasim Salman5
1,2University of Connecticut , U.S.A
3,4,5 GM Global R&D Center, U.S.A
Fleet-wide Diagnostic and Prognostic Assessment
Alexandre Voisin1, Gabriela Medina-Oliva2, Maxime Monnin3, Jean-Baptiste Leger4, Benoit Iung5
1,5Universite de Lorraine, France
2,3,4 PREDICT 19, France
8:30AM–10:00AM Tutorial Session 3 – Bayesian Filtering for Failure Prognosis

Dr. Bruno Paes Leao, GE
River Bend 2
8:30AM–10:00AM Wind Workshop Session 3 : PHM Solution Developers
Moderator : Dr. Shawn Sheng
River Bend 1
10:00AM–10:30AM Networking Break
10:30AM–12:00PM Technical Paper Session 4A: Model-based Diagnosis II
Dr. Matthew Daigle and Prof. Anibal Bregon–NASA Ames Research Center and Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
A Particle Filtering-based Framework for Real-time Fault Diagnosis of Autonomous Vehicles
Ioannis A. Raptis1, Christopher Sconyers2, Rodney Martin3, Robert Mah4, Nikunj Oza5, Dimitris Mavris6, George Vachtsevanos7
1University of Massachussetts Lowell, USA
2,6,7Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
3,4,5NASA Ames Research Center, USA
An Efficient Model-based Diagnosis Engine for Hybrid Systems using Structural Model Decomposition
Anibal Bregon1, Sriram Narasimhan2, Indranil Roychoudhury3, Matthew Daigle4, Belarmino Pulido5
1,5 University of Valladolid, Spain
2 Univ. of California Santa Cruz, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
3 SGT Inc., NASA Ames Research Center, USA
4 NASA Ames Research Center, USA
Towards Real-Time, On-Board, Hardware-Supported Sensor and Software Health Management for Unmanned Aerial Systems
Johann Schumann1, Kristin Y. Rozier2, Thomas Reinbacher3, Ole J. Mengshoel4, Timmy Mbaya5, Corey Ippolito6
1 SGT, Inc., NASA Ames Research Center, USA
2,6 NASA Ames Research Center, USA
3 Vienna University of Technology, Austria
4 Carnegie Mellon University, USA
5 University of Southern California, USA
10:30AM–12:00PM Technical Paper Session 4B: PHM Applications II
Dr. Ash Thakker–Global Technology Connection
New Leveé
Anomaly Detection in Gas Turbine Compressor of a Power Generation Plant using Similarity-based Modeling and Multivariate Analysis
Tomas Carricajo1, Felipe Kripper2, Marcos E. Orchard3, Luis Yacher4, Rodrigo Paredes5
1,2,4 CONTAC Ingenieros Ltda., Chile
3 Universidad de Chile, Chile
5 Endesa Chile, Chile
On Optimizing Anomaly Detection Rules for Gas Turbine Health Monitoring
Weizhong Yan1, Lijie Yu2, Jim Sherbahn3, Umang Brahmakshatriya4
1,4 General Electric Global Research Center, USA
2,3 General Electric Power and Water Engineering, USA
Uncertainty in Impact Identification Applied to a Commercial Wind Turbine Blade
Raymond M. Bond1, Douglas E. Adams2
1,2 Purdue University, USA
10:30AM–12:00PM Technical Paper Session 4C: Energy Generation and Storage Applications
Dr. Jeff Bird–Magma
Electrochemistry-based Battery Modeling for Prognostics
Matthew Daigle1, Chetan Kulkarni2
1NASA Ames Research Center, USA
2 SGT, Inc., NASA Ames Research Center, USA
State of Charge Estimation of Lithium-ion Batteries Considering Model and Parameter Uncertainties
Zhimin Xi1, Rong Jing2, Xiao G. Yang3, Ed Decker4
1,2 University of Michigan – Dearborn, USA
3,4 Ford Motor Company, USA
Sequential Monte Carlo methods for Discharge Time Prognosis in Lithium-Ion Batteries
Marcos E. Orchard1, Matias A. Cerda2, Benjamin E Olivares3, Jorge F. Silva4
1,2,3,4 Universidad de Chile, Chile
10:30AM–12:00PM Tutorial Session 4 – Electronics PHM
Dr. Jose Celaya, Research Scientist, SGT Inc., NASA Ames Research Center
River Bend 2
10:30AM–12:00PM Wind Workshop Session 4 : PHM for Wind Energy: Lowering the Cost of Projects
Moderator : Bruce Hamilton
River Bend 1
12:00PM–1:30PM Lunch Break (On Your Own)
1:30PM–3:00PM Technical Paper Session 5A: Verification and Validation
Dr. Ravi Rajamani–Meggitt
Distilling the Verication Process for Prognostics Algorithms
Indranil Roychoudhury1, Abhinav Saxena2, Jose R. Celaya3, Kai Goebel4
1 SGT, Inc., NASA Ames Research Center, USA
2 NASA Ames Research Center, USA
Performance Metrics in the Perspective of Prognosis Uncertainty
Bruno P. Leao1, Takashi Yoneyama2
1 GE Global Research – Brazil Technology Center, Brazil
2 Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica, Brazil
Simple Metrics for Evaluating and Conveying Prognostic Model Performance To Users With Varied Backgrounds
Michael E. Sharp1
1 University of Tennessee, USA
1:30PM–3:00PM Technical Paper Session 5B: PHM Applications III
Prof. Bin Zhang–University of South Carolina
New Leveé
Remaining useful tool life predictions in turning using Bayesian inference
Jaydeep M. Karandikar1, Ali Abbas2, Tony L. Schmitz3
1,3 University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
2 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, 61801, USA
Lubricants Health Monitoring
Giovanni Jacazio1, Marco Libraro2, Andrea Mornacchi3, Massimo Sorli4
1,2,3,4 Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Battery Charge Depletion Prediction on an Electric Aircraft
Quach C. Chi1, Brian Bole2, Edward Hogge3, Sixto Vasquez4, Matthew Daigle5, Jose R. Celaya6, Adam Weber7, Kai Goebel8
1,4,7 NASA Langley Research Center, USA
2Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
3 Northrup Grumman Engineering Services, USA
5,8 NASA Ames Research Center, USA
6 SGT, Inc., NASA Ames Research Center, USA
1:30PM–3:00PM Technical Paper Session 5C: Hardware and Software Testbeds
Patrick W. Kalgren –Impact Technologies, A Sikorsky Innovations Company
A Cryogenic Fluid System Simulation in Support of Integrated Systems Health Management
John P. Barber1, Kyle B. Johnston2, Matthew Daigle3
1 SGT, Inc., Kennedy Space Center, USA
2ENSCO, Inc., ASE, Kennedy Space Center, USA
3 NASA Ames Research Center, USA
Practical Use of Accelerated Test Data for the Prognostics Methods
Dawn An1, Joo-Ho Choi2, Nam H. Kim3
1 Korea Aerospace University, South Korea; University of Florida, USA
2 Korea Aerospace University, South Korea
3 University of Florida, USA
SIL/HIL Replication of Electric Aircraft Powertrain Dynamics and Inner-Loop Control for V&V of System Health Management Routines
Brian Bole1, Christopher Teubert2, Quach C. Chi3, Edward Hogge4, Sixto Vasquez5, Kai Goebel6, George Vachtsevanos7
1,7Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
2 SGT, Inc., NASA Ames Research Center, USA
3,4,5 NASA Langley Research Center, USA
6 NASA Ames Research Center, USA
1:30PM–3:00PM Panel Session 3 – Nuclear Energy Applications
Prof. Wesley Hines
River Bend 2
1:30PM–3:00PM Wind Workshop Session 5 : Technical Paper Presentations I
Moderator : Tugan Eritenel
River Bend 1
3:00PM–3:30PM Networking Break
3:30PM–5:00PM Data Challenge Results
Top 3 Presentations
3:30PM–5:00PM Panel Session 4 – Heavy Machinery, Oil & Gas, and Mining
Dinkar Mylaraswamy and Neil Eklund
Rver Bend 2
3:30PM–5:00PM Wind Workshop Session 6 : Technical Paper Presentations II
Moderator : Eric Becchoefer
River Bend 1
6:30PM–10:00PM Social Hour and Banquet Dinner WW II Museum
Thursday, October 17, 2013 Location
7:00AM–5:00PM Conference Registration Open Magnolia
7:00AM–8:00AM Breakfast Blaine Kern
8:00AM–8:30AM Opening Remarks Blaine Kern
8:00AM–12:00PM Technology Demonstration Creole Queen / Natchez
8:30AM–10:00AM Technical Paper Session 6A: PHM Nuclear Applications I
Prof. Wesley Hines–The University of Tennessee
Development of Virtual Sensor Networks to Support Accident Monitoring System
Rizwan Ahmed1, Pak Sukyoung2, Gyungyoung Heo3, Jung-Taek Kim4, Seop Hur5, Soo Y. Park6, Kwang-Il Ahn7
1,2,3Kyung Hee University, South Korea
4,5,6,7Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, South Korea
Prognostics Health Management for Advanced Small Modular Reactor Passive Components
Ryan M. Meyer1, Pradeep Ramuhalli2, Jamie B. Coble3, Mark R. Mitchell4, David W. Wootan5, Evelyn H. Hirt6, Eric J. Berglin7, Leonard J. Bond8, Chuck H. Henager Jr9
1,2,4,5,6,7,9 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
3 University of Tennessee, USA
8Iowa State University, USA
Online Monitoring of Plant Assets in the Nuclear Industry
Vivek Agarwal1, Nancy Lybeck2, Binh T. Pham3, Richard Rusaw4, Randall Bickford5
1 Idaho National Laboratory, USA
2 Electric Power Research Institute, USA
3 Expert Microsystems, USA
8:30AM–10:00AM Technical Paper Session 6B: Fault Detection Methods I
Dr. Karl Reichard–The Pennsylvania State University
New Leveé
Ensemble Classifiers for Drift Detection and Monitoring in Dynamical Environments
Imen Khamassi1, Moamar Sayed-Mouchaweh2, Moez Hammani3, Khaled Ghedira4
1,3,4 University of Tunis, Tunis
2 Univ Lille Nord de France, France
A Method for Anomaly Detection for Non-Stationary Vibration Signatures
Renata Klein1
1R.K. Diagnostics, Israel
Multivariate Fault Detection using Vector Autoregressive Moving Average and Orthogonal Transformation in Residual Space
Francisco Serdio1, Edwin Lughofer2, Kurt Pichler3, Thomas Buchegger4, Markus Pichler5, Hajrudin Efendic6
1,2,6 Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
3,4,5 Austrian Competence Center of Mechatronics, Austria
8:30AM–10:00AM Technical Paper Session 6C: Structural Health Management I
Prof. Yongming Liu and Prof. Sankaran Mahadevan–Arizona State University and Vanderbilt University
Probabilistic Delamination Diagnosis of Composite Materials Using a Novel Bayesian Imaging Method
Tishun Peng1, Abhinav Saxena2, Kai Goebel3, Shankar Sankararaman4, Yibing Xiang5, Yongming Liu6
1,5,6 Arizona State University, Tempe, USA
2,4 SGT,NASA Ames Research Center, USA
3 NASA Ames Research Center, USA
An Energy-Based Prognostic Framework to Predict Fatigue Damage Evolution in Composites
Juan Chiachio1, Manuel Chiachio2, Abhinav Saxena3, Guillermo Rus4, Kai Goebel5
1,2 University of Granada, Spain; SGT Inc., NASA Ames Research Center, USA
3 SGT Inc., NASA Ames Research Center, USA
4 University of Granada, Spain
5 NASA Ames Research Center, USA
Integrated Sensor Arrays Based on PiezoPaint Technology for SHM Applications
Karl Elkjaer1, Konstantin Astafiev2, Erling Ringgard3, Tomasz Zawada4
1,2,3,4 Meggitt A/S, Denmark
8:30AM–10:00AM Tutorial Session 5 – Making the (Business) Case for PHM
Joel Luna, Senior Operations Research Analyst , Frontier Technology, Inc.
River Bend 2
8:30AM–10:00AM Panel Session 5 : PHM Standards
Moderators : Jeff Bird and Ginger Shao
River Bend 1
10:00AM–10:30AM Networking Break Blaine Kern
10:30AM–12:00PM Technical Paper Session 7A: PHM Nuclear Applications II
Prof. Wesley Hines–The University of Tennessee
Fault Monitoring Techniques for Nuclear Components
Gee-Yong Park1, Jung T. Kim2
1,2Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, South Korea
Towards an Online Prognostic System for Predicting the Axial Shrinkage of AGR Cores
Graeme M. West1, Christopher J. Wallace2, Stephen D. J. McArthur3
1,2,3University of Strathclyde, UK
Heat Exchanger Fouling and Estimation of Remaining Useful Life
Tutpol Ardsomang1, Wesley J. Hines2, Belle R. Upadhyaya3
1,2,3 University of Tennessee, USA
10:30AM–12:00PM Technical Paper Session 7B: Fault Detection Methods II
Dr. Dinkar Mylaraswamy–Honeywell
New Leveé
Processing for Improved Spectral Analysis
Eric Bechhoefer1, Brandon Van Hecke2, David He3
1Green Power Monitoring Systems, USA
2,3The University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Novelty Detection in Airport Baggage Conveyor Gear-Motors Using Synchro-Squeezing Transform and Self-Organizing Maps
Budhaditya Hazra1, Shilpa Pantula2, Sriram Narasimhan3
1,2,3University of Waterloo, Canada
Modeling Localized Bearing Faults Using Inverse Gaussian Mixtures
Pavle Boskoski1, Dani Juricic2
1,2Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
10:30AM–12:00PM Technical Paper Session 7C: Structural Health Management II
Dr. Abhinav Saxena–NASA Ames Research Center (SGT Inc.)
Physics based Prognostics for LCF Crack Nucleation Life of IMI 685 Aerospace Compressor Disc
Avisekh Banerjee1, Jun Zhao2, Ashok K. Koul3, Amar Kumar4, Alka Srivastava5, Nita Goel6
1,2,3Life Prediction Technologies Inc., Canada
4,5,6 Tecsis Corporation, Canada
Detection of CH-53 Swashplate Bearing Deformation – From a 3D Dynamic Model to Diagnostics
Mor Battat1, Gideon Kogan2, Alex Kushnirsky3, Renata Klein4, Jacob Bortman5
1,2,3,5Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
4 R.K. Diagnostics, Israel
Wavlet Decomposition based Diagnostic for Structural Health Monitoring on Metallic Aircrafts: Case of Crack Triangulation and Corrosion Detection
Hamza Boukabache1, Christophe Escriba2, Sabeha Zedek3, Jean-Yves Fourniols4
1, 2, 4 CNRS, LAAS, France
3Université de Toulouse, France
10:30AM–12:00PM Panel Session 6 : PHM Education and Professional Development
Moderators : Karl Reichard, Jeff Bird and Nancy Madge
River Bend 1
12:00PM–12:30PM Final Remarks Blaine Kern


Last modified: 12-Oct-2013 16:18:49