Tuesday, July 3, 2012 — Tutorials, ADX Sessions, and Poster Session
Wednesday, July 4, 2012 — PHM Keynote Speeches, Technical Paper Sessions, Banquet
Thursday, July 5, 2012 — Technical Paper Sessions, Industrial Panel Session, Boat Tour
Friday, July 6, 2012 — SHM Paper Sessions, Closing Remarks, Site Visits
Click on the icon next to an event to get further details. Best paper nominees are designated with a
Tuesday, July 3, 2012 | Location | |
8:00AM–5:00PM | PHM Registration Open | Terrace Level Foyer |
9:00AM–9:20AM | PHM Europe Welcome | |
9:20AM–10:40AM | Tutorial 1–Model Based Diagnosis Peter Struss–Technical University of Munich, Germany |
Conf. Room #1 |
10:40AM–11:10AM | Joint Coffee Break | Exh. Hall |
11:10AM–12:30PM | Tutorial 2–Fundamentals of Prognostics Kai Goebel and Abhinav Saxena – NASA Ames Research Center, USA |
Conf. Room #1 |
11:10AM–12:30PM | ADX Session Peter Struss – Technical University of Munich, Germany |
Conf. Room #2 |
11:10AM–12:10PM | Thirty Years Later … Model–Based Diagnosis–Where Have We Gone? Peter Struss–Technical University of Munich, Germany |
12:10PM–12:30PM | Using Structural Decomposition Methods to Design Gray–Box Models for Fault Diagnosis of Complex Industrial Systems: A Beet Sugar Factory Case Study Belarmino Pulido, Jesus Maria Zamarreno, Alejandro Merino, Anibal Bregon–University Valladolid, Spain |
12:30PM–2:00PM | Joint Lunch Break | Exh. Hall |
2:00PM–3:20PM | Tutorial 3–State–of–the–Art Realization of Prognostics in Industry Benoit Iung–Lorraine University, France Jean–Baptiste Leger–Predict Company, France Michel Shieber–Cassidian T&S, EADS Company, France |
Conf. Room #1 |
2:00PM–3:20PM | ADX Session | Conf. Room #2 |
2:00PM–3:00PM | Diagnosis and Repair from First–Principles Gerhard Friedrich–University Klagenfurt, Austria |
3:00PM–3:20PM | Discussion: Where do we go from here? | |
3:20PM–3:50PM | Joint Coffee Break | Exh. Hall |
3:50PM–5:30PM | Tutorial 4–Runtime Verification and Runtime Reflection Martin Leucker–University of Luebeck, Germany |
Conf. Room #1 |
3:50PM–4:30PM | ADX Session Peter Struss–Technical University of Munich, Germany |
Conf. Room #2 |
Diagnostics Driven PHM Jim Lauffer–DSI International, Inc. |
Feature Extraction and Evaluation for Health Assessment and Failure Prognostics K. Medjaher, F. Camci, N. Zerhouni–FEMTO–ST Institue, Besancon, France |
5:30PM–7:30PM | Joint Reception and Poster Session | Dresden Congress Centre (Exh. Area) |
Economic Reasoning for Asset Health Management Systems in Volatile Markets Katja Gutsche–Hochschule Ruhr West, Germany</em |
Analyzing Imbalance in a 24 MW Steam Turbine Afshin Daghighi Asli–Morvarid Petrochemical Complex Vahid Rezaie and Leila Hayati–Mopsaco Consulting Company |
Integrated Vehicle Health Management and Unmanned Aviation Andrew Heaton, Ip–Shing Fan, and Craig Lawson–Cranfield University, UK Jim McFeat–BAE Systems, Warton Aerodome, UK |
Knowledge–Based System to Support Plug Load Management Jonny Carlos da Silva–Mechanical Engineering Department, UFSC, Brazil Scott Poll–NASA Ames Research Center, USA |
Design for Availability–Flexibile System Evaluation with a Model Library of Generic RAMST Blocks Dieter Fasol–LFK–Lenkflugkoerpersysteme GmbH, Germany Burkhard Muenker–icomod–Muenker Consulting, Germany |
System PHM Algorithm Maturation Jean–Remi Masse and Xavier Boulet–Safran, Snecma France Ouadie Hmad–Safran Engineering Services, France |
Wednesday, July 4, 2012 | ▲ | |
9:00AM–5:00PM | PHM Registration/Info Table Open | Terrace Level Foyer |
8:30AM–10:30AM | Joint Keynote Session (PHM/SHM) | |
EADS Aspiration to Develop PHM Technologies and Services Matthias Buderath – Head of Technology Development, EADS Joerg Rissiek – Head of EADS Service Business Development |
History of Engine Vibration Monitoring: A Personal Perspective Richard Greaves– Meggitt |
10:30AM–11:00AM | Joint Coffee Break | Exh. Hall |
11:00AM–12:20PM | Technical Paper Session: Prognostics Methods I Kai Goebel–NASA Ames Research Center, USA |
Conf. Room #1 |
A Distributed Architecture to Implement a Prognostic Function for Complex Systems Xavier Desforges, Phillippe Charbonnaud, and Bernard Archimede–Universite de Toulouse, INPT, ENIT, France Mickael Dievart– Aerocounseil, France |
Adaptive Prognostics for Systems Operating Under Time–Varying Environments Linkan Bian, Nagi Gebraeel–Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
Characterization of Prognosis Methods: An Industrial Approach Jayant Sen Gupta, Ariane Lorton, Vincent Feuillard, and Christian Trinquier–EADS Innovation Works, France |
Autonomous Prognostics and Health Management (APHM) Jacek Stecki, Joshua Cross, Chris Stecki, and Andrew Lucas–PHM Technology, Australia |
12:20PM–2:00PM | Joint Lunch Break | Exh. Hall |
2:00PM–3:20PM | Technical Paper Session: Prognostics Methods II Benoit Iung–Lorraine University, France |
Conf. Room #1 |
Physics Based Electrolytic Capacitor Degradation Models for Prognostic Studies Under Thermal Overstress Chetan Kulkarni and Gautam Biswas–Vanderbilt University, Nahsville, TN, USA Jose R. Celaya and Kai Goebel–NASA Ames Research Center, CA |
Major Challenges in Prognostics: Studying on Benchmarking Prognostics Datasets O.F. Eker, F. Camci, and I.K. Jennions–IVHM Centre, Cranfield University |
Designing Data–Driven Battery Prognostics Approaches for Variable Loading Profiles: Some Lessons Learned Abhinav Saxena, Jose R. Celaya, Indranil Roychoudhury, Sankalita Saha, Bhaskar Saha, and Kai Goebel–NASA Ames Research Center, CA |
Damage Identification and External Effects Removal for Roller Bearing Diagnostics M. Pirra, A. Fasana, L. Garibaldi, and S. Marchesiello–Politecnico di Torino, Italy |
3:20PM–3:50PM | Joint Coffee Break | Exh. Hall |
3:50PM–5:10PM | Technical Paper Session: PHM Applications Giovanni Jacazio–Politecnico di Torino, Italy |
Conf. Room #1 |
Health Management System for the Pantographs of Tilting Trains Giovani Jacazio, Massimo Sorli, Danilo Bolognese, Davide Ferrara–Politecnico di Torino, Italy |
Assessment of Remaining Useful Life of Power Plant Steam Generators–A Standardized Industrial Application Ulrich Kunze and Stefan Raab–Siemens AG, Germany |
Health Assessment and Prognostics of Automotive Clutches Agusmian Partogi Ompusunggu and Steve Vandenplas–Flanders’ MECHATRONICS Technology Centre (FMTC), Belgium Paul Sas and Hendrik Van Brussel&ndashKatholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium |
Towards a Model-Based Prognostics Methodology for Electrolytic Capacitors: A Case Study Based on Electrical Overstress Accelerated Aging Jose R. Celaya and Kai Goebel–NASA Ames Research Center, CA Chetan Kulkarni and Gautam Biswas–Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA Journal Paper Presentation |
5:10PM–5:30PM | Open Discussion | |
7:30PM | Joint Dinner Banquet (PHM/SHM) | Albertinum |
Thursday, July 5, 2012 | ▲ | |
9:00AM–5:00PM | PHM Info Table Open | Terrace Level Foyer |
9:00AM–10:20AM | Technical Paper Session: Systems Health Management Ravi Rajamani–Meggitt, USA |
Conf. Room #1 |
Uncertainty of Performance Requirements for IVHM Tools According to Business Targets Manuel Esperon–Miguez, Philip John, and Ian K. Jennions–IVHM Centre, Cranfield University, UK |
Data Management Backbone for Embedded and PC–Based Systems Using OSA–CBM and OSA–EAI Andreas Loehr, Conor Haines, and Matthias Buderath–Linova Software GmbH, Garching b. Muenchen, Germany |
Virtual Framework for Validation and Verification of System Design Requirements to Enable Condition Based Maintenance Heiko Mikat, Antanino Marco Siddiolo, Matthias Buderath–Cassidian, Manching, Germany |
Simulation Framework and Certification Guidance for Condition Monitoring and Prognostic Health Management Matthias Buderath and Partha Pratim Adhikari–Cassidian, Manching, Germany |
10:20AM–10:50AM | Joint Coffee Break | Exh. Hall |
10:50AM–12:10PM | Technical Paper Session: Analytical PHM Methods Abhinav Saxena–NASA Ames Research Center, USA |
Conf. Room #1 |
Lifetime Models for Remaining Useful Life Estimation with Randomly Distributed Failure Thresholds Bent Helge Nystad, Giulio Gola, and John Einar Hulsund–Institute for Energy Technology, Halden, Norway |
Finite Element Based Bayesian Particle Filtering for the Estimation of Crack Damage Evolution on Metallic Panels C. Sbarufatti, M. Corbetta, A. Manes, and M. Giglio–Politecnico di Milano, Italy |
Unscented Kalman Filter with Gaussian Process Degradation Model for Bearing Fault Prognosis Christoph Anger, Robert Schrader, and Uwe Klingauf–Institute of Flight Systems and Automatic Control, Darmstadt, Germany |
A Hybrid Model–Based/Data–Driven Approach for Fatigue Crack Growth Prognostics by Particle Filtering and Ensemble Neural Networks Piero Baraldi, Michele Compare, Sergio Sauco, and Enrico Zio–Politecnico di Milano, Italy |
12:10PM–1:30PM | Joint Lunch Break | Exh. Hall |
1:30PM–2:50PM | Technical Paper Session: Structural Health Monitoring Anibal Bregon–University of Valladolid, Spain |
Conf. Room #1 |
Prediction of Fatigue Crack Growth in Airframe Structures Jindrich Finda, Andrew Vechart, and Radek Hedl–Honeywell International, Brno, Czech Republic |
An Approach to the Health Monitoring of a Pumping Unit in an Aircraft Engine Fuel System Benjamin Lamoureux, Jean–Remi Masse, and Nazih Mechbal– Snecma (Safran Group), Systems Division, Villaroche, France |
Application of Microwave Sensing to Blade Health Monitoring David Kwapisz, Michael Hafner, and Ravi Rajamani–Meggitt Sensing Systems, Fribourg, Switzerland |
Theoretical and Experimental Evaluation of a Real–Time Corrosion Monitoring System For Measuring Pitting in Aircraft Structures Douglas Brown, Duane Darr, Jefferey Morse, and Bernard Laskowski–Analatom, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, USA |
2:50PM–3:20PM | Joint Coffee Break | Exh. Hall |
3:20PM–5:10PM | Industrial Panel Session | Conf. Room #1 |
6:30PM–11:00PM | Optional Social Boat Tour Along Elbe River | |
Friday, July 6, 2012 | ▲ | |
9:00AM–10:20AM | Paper Sessions (SHM) | |
10:20AM–10:50AM | Joint Coffee Break | Exh. Hall |
10:50AM–12:10PM | Paper Sessions (SHM) | |
12:10AM–1:30PM | Joint Lunch Break | Exh. Hall |
1:30PM–2:00PM | Organization of Site Visits and Closing Remarks | |
2:00M–5:00PM | Optional Site Visits |