Call for Papers

The paper and poster submission is now closed. . Review process. Please contact TPC at if you’d like to serve as a reviewer.

New Announcement: Starting 2012 ijPHM will allow authors to present their work at the next PHM Conference if authors desire to do so. Please send an email to indicating your preference of the venue.Read more

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The PHM Society is seeking original Full Length Papers and Posters for presentation at the 1st European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) Society, July 3-6, 2012 Dresden Germany.

The First European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society 2012 will bring together the European community of PHM experts from industry, academia, and government in diverse application areas such as energy, aerospace, transportation, automotive, and industrial automation. The conference will address all of the broad aspects of PHM across all disciplines, technologies, and levels. It will encourage active networking between managers, practitioners, and scientists from academia, government, and industry from across the globe addressing the following topics:

Topics of Interest:

  • Prognostics – prediction of remaining useful life
  • Prognostics system design and engineering
  • Prognostics sensors and detection methodologies
  • Physics of failure prognostics
  • Asset health management
  • Structural health management
  • Prognostics for electronics
  • Diagnosis and fault isolation methods
  • Data-driven and model-based prognostics
  • Condition-based maintenance technologies
  • Standards and methodologies
  • Fault-adaptive control methods
  • Return-on-investment analysis
  • Deployed applications and success stories

Technical Papers
Prospective authors are invited to contribute full length, original, high-quality papers. PHM Europe 2012 will feature tutorials, keynote presentations, regular presentations of research papers and a limited number of poster presentations of work in progress. Submitted papers will be reviewed by experts based on the criteria of originality, significance, quality, and clarity. A major differentiator for the PHM Society is its modern approach toward intellectual property rights. Authors retain copyright in their work while allowing the PHM Society to distribute their work through a Creative Commons License. As a result, all articles published by the PHM Society are available to the global PHM community via the internet for free and without any restrictions. Selected papers will be invited for publication on the International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management, an open access online journal for the global PHM community.

Technical Posters
PHM Europe 2012 will feature posters and hold a poster session. Posters are intended for authors and participants to engage in discussions about their work and are an opportunity to presents late-breaking results, ongoing research or work in progress. Please indicate that your submission is a poster by selecting the “Submission Type” as Poster. Only an abstract is required for Poster entries by the deadline. Guidelines and templates to prepare the poster will be available through the website.

The conference includes an organized session on “Applicable Model-based Diagnosis (ADX)” dedicated to the theme “Model-based Diagnosis – Where Are We? And where Do We Go from here?”. 30 years ago, R. Davis’ seminal presentation answered the analogous question regarding the state of “expert systems” and challenged problem solving based on 1st principles models. The ADX session will attempt to review the progress since then, assess the contributions the field has made to solving diagnostic applications in real settings, and identify shortcomings and challenges that remain and should guide future work. Both survey talks on subareas and presentations of work on particular applications that illustrate general problem classes are called for. For submissions to this session, refer to the ADX guidelines for authors.

Please consider serving as a Session Chair at the Conference. A Session Chair introduces each session participant, and facilitates discussion in the session. This is an excellent way for any member to participate in the Conference Meeting. Any member interested in serving as a Session Chair should contact the Technical Program Committee or the General Chair. You can post general questions about paper content, formatting, Creative Commons licenses, etc. at the PHM Conference forum.

PHM Europe 2012 will feature posters and hold a poster session. Posters are intended for authors and participants to engage in discussions about their work and are an opportunity to presents late-breaking results, ongoing research or work in progress.

We look forward to seeing everyone in Dresden, Germany this summer!

Key Dates:
Paper Submission Opens: November 25, 2011
Paper Submissions Due: March 30, 2012 (Now Closed)
Registration Opens: March 16, 2012
Paper Review Feedback: May 15, 2012
Final Papers Due: June 1, 2012

Conference General Chair:
Ian Jennions (Cranfield University, UK) (

Conference Vice Chair:
Peter Bunus (Linköping University, Sweden)

Technical Program Chair:
Abhinav Saxena (NASA/SGT, USA) (

International Technical Program Committee:
Andrew Hess (Hess PHM Group)
Andrew Starr (Cranfield University, UK)
Anibal Bregon (University of Valladolid, Spain)
Jantunen Erkki (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland)
Benoit Iung (Nancy University, France)
Giovanni Jacazio (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
Jean-Baptiste Leger (PREDICT/DIAG21, France)
Jeff Bird (NRC, Canada)
Jacek Stecki (PHM Technology, Australia)
Kai Goebel (NASA, USA)
Kevin Pipe (Humaware, UK)
Len Gelman (Cranfield University, UK)
Lex ten Have (NationalAerospace Laboratory, The Nederlands)
Lukas Kuhn (Qualcomm, USA)
Martin Leucker (Lübeck University, Germany)
Martin Sachenbacher (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
Matthias Buderath (EADS, Germany)
Michael Hofbaur (The Health and Life Sciences University Hall Tyroll, Austria)
Michel Schieber (DIAG21, France)
Nezih Mrad (Concordia University Canada)
Noureddine Zerhouni (FEMTO-ST, France)
Suresh Perinpanayagam, (Cranfield University, UK)
Peter Struss (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
Ravi Rajamani (Meggitt, USA)
Roxane Rose (Executivevents, USA>
Rui Maranhão (University of Porto, Portugal.)
Serdar Uckun (PHM Society, USA)
Valentina Victorova (Russian Academy of Sciences)