Panel Sessions

The PHM Society provides an opportunity to hear and interact with recognized industry leaders in relevant areas for our PHM work. These 90 minute panel sessions will consist of presentations and open discussion by 4-6 panelists directly engaging with the conference audience on six different topics listed below. These sessions add an enriching dimension to the conference experience and a welcome networking alternative to traditional paper presentations, which dominate some conferences. We believe balancing the conference time in this fashion provides participants a much more engaging experience and increased opportunity to gain unique knowledge.

Please refer to the Conference Agenda for updated time and location information.

Panel Session 1: Big Data and Analytics: from a CBM and across the Enterprise Perspective

Organizers: Andy Hess and Ravi Rajamani

This panel will explore the needs, state-of-the-art and technologies, benefits, and lessons learned associated with big data analytics, data mining and how it relates to CBM, Sustainment, and general good business decisions across the enterprise. It will focus on aspects of big data analytics that are most relevant to prognostics and health management, including concrete cases of implemented approaches in many industry sector applications. Discussions will include examples some specific software capabilities and tools from our community of developers, suppliers, and users. Panel Presentations

    1. Big Data Analytics for Fleet Data Management
      by Karl Reichard

Panel Session 2: Aerospace and Mobility

Organizers: Steven King, Chris Young and Chris Hickenbottom

The objectives of the panel include: 1) Discuss the benefits and challenges from Grid technology, Cloud computing and Big Data that could play a key role in the area of prognostics health management, particularly in meeting requirements of high integrity assets; 2) Engage participation from other application domains, such as the biomedical industry, to provide opportunity to share their insight and experiences in this topic area Panel Presentations

  1. Big Analog Data™ Challenge
    by Preston Johnson
  2. Big Data PHM for Aerospace and Mobility
    by Andy Mills
  3. Physics of Failure in Aerospace IVHM
    by Prakash C. Patnaik
  4. Big Data and Analytics
    by Chris Young

Panel Session 3: Nuclear Energy

Organizer: Wes Hines

The objectives of the panel include: 1) Share recent advances in Nuclear Power PHM research and applications, 2) Present plans for future R&D activities, and 3) Describe R&D research gaps. Panel Session 4: Heavy Machinery, Oil & Gas, and Mining

Organizer: Dinkar Mylaraswamy and Neil Eklund

The objectives of the panel include: 1) Obtain end-user perspective on leading downtime drivers of large machines located in remote places for the oil-gas and mining industry. Invited speakers from GE, Exxon/BP, Joy-Global will describe how they are using PHM to make day-to-day decisions. 2) Describe Tools and Solutions used to build and deploy PHM solutions in the oil & gas and mining industries. 3) Present technical overview using 2 specific assets, this will highlight some of the algorithm/technologies being worked to address PHM challenges specific to oil-gas and mining industry. Panel Presentations

  1. Prognostics for Oil & Gas Artificial Lift applications
    by William Carrillo
  2. Schlumberger
  3. Honeywell
    by Dinkar Mylaraswamy
  4. Smart Services/PreVail® – Remote Health Management
    by Anubhaw Bhushan
  5. Engineering the Health, Safety and Comfort of Dump Truck Operators
    by Nassib Aouad

Panel Session 5: PHM Standards

Organizer: Jeff Bird and Ginger Shao

The objectives of the panel included: 1) Summarize current standards activities in the PHM area, 2) Identify application areas and overlaps/gaps in PHM standards across industry sectors, academia and government, examining any opportunities for harmonization, 3) Advance the processes for PHM Society outreach to the international PHM community, e.g. panels, web links, fora, webexes, documentation, coordinated input. Panel Outcome: A keen group of PHM practioners gathered to hear a summary of user, developer and common issues identified by the Society based on a new Society publication:

  • An IJPHM Coomunication titled “A View of Standards for Prognostics and Health Management” is available here
  • The panelists were treated to an update from David Alexander on the PHM/IVHM standards in development under the auspices of SAE International.
  • They also heard a users’ perspective from Professor George Vachtsevanos of Geogia Tech and and Dinkar Mylaraswamy and Manny Nwadiogbu of Honeywell.
  • A plenary session developed those ideas into a list of observations, opportunities and challenges for PHM practioners. Specifc ways forward were discussed
    1. Participation by members through the Society in development and assessment of ISO standards
    2. Interaction through the Society Standards forum:
    3. Plan to assemble volunteers to advance standards in the Society complementary to existing activities.
  • Updates from SAE, ISO and other groups will be posted on the forum.

Contact Jeff Bird, Ginger Shao, Kai Goebel, or Mike Roemer Panel Session 6: PHM Education and Professional Development

Organizers: Karl Reichard, Jeff Bird and Nancy Madge

The objectives of the panel included: 1) Advance the PHM Society skills-capability taxonomy of EPD toward development of planning and assessment tools that contribute to the PHM community across industry sectors, academia and government, 2) Identify other initiatives that may be pursued by the EPD Committee of the PHM Society. Invited participants will come from industry, academia, and government. Panel Outcome: A diverse group of participants met to advance a PHM taxonomy by validating the general approach. They also developed a draft portion of the taxonomy for the system physical model domain. The outline and output are in the attached file. Highlights of the outputs are:

  • IJPHM Communications- Compilation of approach and work to date- in preparation
  • Proposed products from the taxonomy:
    • Employer- pilot package to sponsors for career development programs
    • Academia- map of existing programs to identify gaps
    • Practitioners- user package


  • Interaction through Education and Professional Development forum:
    • Plan to assemble volunteers to complete a complete taxonomy

Contact Jerff Bird, Karl Reichard or Nancy Madge Panel Session Chair Michael J. Roemer,